Sunday, May 26, 2024

A birthday for a new teenager and time with a "three-nager"

Yes, here I am with yet another birthday post...and there are still more to come in May!  It has always been a busy month for me since both Ken and my mom also had May birthdays.  May 14th would have been Ken's birthday number 72.  It is really hard to believe that this is the fourth birthday since he died.  Lately I have been realizing just how young Ken was when he died.  Part of this is my looming 70th birthday.  And I still feel pretty young.  And yet, here I am with another teenager grandchild!

Zeke turned 13 on what would have been my mom's 109th birthday.  Zeke was born just a few weeks after my mom died and it was special that he shares her birthday.  What an incredible guy Zeke is!  In typical teen fashion, all he wanted for this birthday was a particular video game that includes a full driving function.  So, along with Gwen and Tim (who purchased all the accessories), I gifted the actual game! 

He was one very happy 13 year old.  Of course I also got him some running gear since he is planning to run a half marathon in July.  He is following after his mom and dad for sure!

I also got to deliver his gift from Uncle Doug and Aunt Susie, which was just about as exciting for him as the video game stuff - a whole lot of fishing gear..  

Since Gwen and Tim live on a lake, there are lots of opportunities for fishing and Zeke and his friend spend many hours fishing.  I love that Chandler managed to get in this picture!  Whether it is gaming, running, fishing, volleyball, basketball or any other of the various favorite things, Zeke is a busy young man.  He just finished up seventh grade as a homeschooler.  He is marking time until he is a high schooler and can go on Boulder mission trips.  He loves roller coasters and will spend as much time as he can at Great America (they have memberships since they live so close). I love that this now teenager still wants to give his grandma hugs when I leave.  He is almost as tall as me now! Sigh.  

Once a week I get to spend the day with Jimmy while Grace is in school.  He is a busy almost three year old!  One of my days with Jimmy, I left the room for a minute and forgot my phone sitting on the table.  Later I discovered these gems in my photo library...

This kid managed to open my phone, enter my password (which all the kids know), find the camera and take these selfies!  This is certainly thee work of a "three-nager".  He is full of life and spends hours running!  Lately he is Buzz Lightyear on a mission.  He holds his arms out and screams "To infinity and beyond!" while "flying" around the room!  Last week he wanted me to "fly" around with him and after several turns around the yard, grandma sat down and declared her "plane" in the hanger for repairs!  

Both of these special boys have really soft hearts.  I see the same spirit in each of them.  They care deeply about others and really want to do the right thing. Right now Zeke is faced with many older kids who might not be the best influence.  And Jimmy is having a hard time listening and obeying.  Not easy issues to work through at three and thirteen.  I am confident that Jesus has plans and purposes for both of these boys and will help them through these "growing pains" as they mature.  I have heard recently that spending time with your grandchildren actually extends your life!  I am so thankful that I have been able to spend time with all of my grandchildren.  I love watching the girls talk about clothes, hairstyles, jewelry and nails and I love hearing all about video games, crazy roller coasters, Buzz Lightyear and Spidey.  All of it is so rewarding.  I admit that I often see flashes of Gwen and Doug when I am with the kids.  Zeke's excitement about the fishing stuff reminded me of the time Doug and I were visiting my mom in Minnesota and he proclaimed, "Land of 10,000 lakes and no where to fish!"   It is my constant prayer that the kids will benefit from the time I spend with them, as much as it will benefit me. Especially around Ken's birthday, I reflect on just how much he is missing out on.  One thing is certain, being with all the grandchildren brings me joy and laughter and love.  And I wouldn't miss this for the world.  

Don't miss out on the chance to be a blessing and be blessed! If you don't have children or grandchildren of your own, find some in your neighborhood or your church.  These kids love to share their worlds with others.  It's time for Vacation Bible School.  Volunteer to help out.  You will be blessed (tired but blessed)!

Jesus, thank you for reminding me that blessings are all around.  Holy Spirit, give us all courage to step out of our comfort zones and take steps to meet new people.  Thank you Jesus for the plans and purposes and destiny you have for all of us.  Help us all to slow down and find joy in the little things.  Bless all the children, Jesus, as they grow.  Give patience and peace to all the adults in their world.  Amen

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