Sunday, July 21, 2024

Christmas in July for our family!

Doug and Susie always try to give Gwen and Tim's kids an experience for Christmas instead of adding to their mound of presents.  For Christmas in 2023, they gifted a day at an Arcade for the whole family.  It just happened that our schedules didn't allow for this to happen until July, so it was Christmas in July for our family!  This was such a fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon.  The place that Doug and Susie found was really great.  It was just about the same distance for everyone to drive and we planned to have lunch after a couple hours of fun. 

This is just a small sampling of the photos that I took of the kids going from game to game.  Lia and Ellie especially liked this game that actually shot water.  The four girls played the Mario Cart game and actually raced against each other.  Tim and Zeke threw bags against those clowns and won so many extra points that Zeke shared them with everyone at the end of the time.  I decided that video games are not just sitting there - you have to throw and run and shoot and dance.  There is much movement for sure!  I managed to not score many baskets when I tried to help Anna. But I tried!

Before we left the arcade, I made sure to get pictures of the kids together and with me! 

By the end of two hours, we were all tired and ready for some lunch!  The kids all agreed this was the best Christmas present!  We went for a nice lunch at a local place and everyone actually ate all their food with very little left to take home.
Ice cream was a necessary treat after such a good lunch so we found the nearest Baskin and Robbins and went there for a grand finale to this day. 
Gwen took this final picture so she is missing from this last shot!  
It was a wonderful Christmas in July celebration for sure.  

These memory making times for our family are just the best.  As the kids have gotten older, they really seem to appreciate these experience gifts and talk about them from year to year.  In the past we have visited indoor and out water parks, we have gone camping (to see the Eclipse this year) and visited various parks and playgrounds.  I sure love to get these fun experiences with all the kids together.  

Every time I look at these pictures, I get a bit chocked up.  This is the last time my entire family will be together before Lia heads off to college in a few short weeks.  I keep telling myself that she will be home for all the holidays, but, really - where did the time go?  And on the other end of the ages, Jimmy will be starting preschool this fall.  Yes, time marches on.  But I have to admit, that sadness of missing Lia is tempered by a burst of excitement for her.  I can't wait to hear about all the wonderful new things that will fill her life at college.  Every age and stage is filled with new experiences.  The best thing about this, is that I get to share in them.  I am incredibly grateful for every hug, every smile, every phone call or facetime, for every bit of contact I am blessed with from this crew!  

Today, I am especially thankful for Doug taking the time to come and help me solve a very odd problem that happened in my house!  Yesterday, when I went to leave the house, I could not open the door from the house to the garage!  The door handle would not budge!  I went outside, opened the garage door and tried the door to the house from inside the garage.  Nothing!  Apparently the lock mechanism broke somehow.  So I purchased a new doorknob and Doug was able to (rather quickly) change it out for me. 
I can't tell you how many times between yesterday morning and today that I went to that door and could not use it!  Old habits are hard to break!   But Doug's visit to fix this problem is just another blessing of having my family close by.  

There is a verse in the Bible - Proverbs 17:6 that says, "Children's children are a crown to the aged" and that is most certainly true.  One meaning for a Biblical crown is honor and joy.  My grandkids are my pride and joy.  

Jesus, thank you for family, for children and grandchildren.  Holy Spirit, remind us during times of transitions in our life, that you have much more in store for us in the years ahead.  Jesus, give us courage to walk ahead, even when it is a new path.  Holy Spirit, remind us that you are with us when  seasons are changing.  Fill us with hope and great expectation for the new things ahead.  Amen

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