Sunday, July 14, 2024

Fourth of July Fun!

 I have been spending the Fourth of July with Doug and Susie's family for many years.  The Yorkville Parade was one of Ken's favorite things.  Parades, in general, were something that Ken viewed as "Photo Ops".  A chance to take pictures of unusual things.  For me, seeing the kid's excitement is the best.  I'm not sure it is all about the candy, but the candy is important!  

We got to the parade extra early this year and got a great spot on the side of the street without the sun blasting us in the face.  However, this year it was overcast and actually rained on us during the parade!  Still, this was a great spot to catch the action.  Jimmy really enjoyed this parade.  Grace saw several friends from school who were walking in the parade.  It was a very pleasant couple of hours without sweating - thanks to that gently falling rain!  

I spent a couple of hours at Doug and Susie's house after the parade and Doug grilled some delicious Fourth of July fare.  The meal was complete with corn on the cob, which Jimmy loved (once he got the hang of only biting the kernels of corn, rather than the cob!) 

 We were able to sit in the backyard and watch the kids play once the weather brightened up a bit. It was good to visit with Susie's mom and dad and one of Doug's long time friends.   Doug has put up their travel Hamock and the kids both love it. 

One of my very favorite memories of the Fourth of July was in 1979.  Gwen was exactly two months old and Ken decided we should go on a picnic.  We stopped at a local Kmart store to get a cooler (we were very unprepared to have a picnic!)  While Ken was looking at all the coolers and everything we might need for a "real" picnic, I noticed a photographer taking baby pictures.  I convinced Ken that we really should get Gwen's picture taken since she was wearing a red, white and blue dress, complete with matching shoes!

This was one of my very favorite pictures of Gwen.  By the time we started scanning photos, it was faded and not in great shape.  Still, I am thankful to have this picture.  We never actually went on that picnic.  It clouded up and started to rain.  I was not going to take a two month old out in the rain.  Ken was very disappointed but I was very thankful for his plan to picnic, since it got me this photo!  

Isn't it great when you realize that even though your plans don't work out the way you thought they would, something else comes out of it that turns out even better than you could have imagined!  A missed picnic but a photo memory that is still here 45 years later.   I am finally learning to look for these "turn of events" that are so often a blessing.  I love that Jesus often has better plans for me than I could ever make for myself.  So much of life is about your perspective of what is happening.  So I am working on finding the rainbow when a "storm" of unexpected events changes my plans.  I do a lot of driving around these days, and last week I encountered a detour  with a road closed for road work.  Thankfully, I was pretty sure I knew where the detour was taking me.  After arriving at my destination, I realized that the detour had actually saved me from having to make a left turn at a very busy intersection.  While this is just a small pretty insignificant event, I am learning that Jesus cares about everything - even the small things.  And His plans are always that best plans!  

Jesus, thank you for special days, parades and candy for the kids.  Holy Spirit, remind us all to see the turn of events in our every day life as finding a better way.  Jesus thank you that you care about us and even the small things in our life.  Thank you for family times and photo memories.  Amen

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