Saturday, September 14, 2024

Turning 70 when you sure don't feel it!

This is what turning 70 looks like in my family!  We had a wonderful day on Labor Day (which was actually a few days before I turned 70) celebrating being together.  I don't know what I would do without these wonderful people!  It was a glorious sunny day and fun to be at my house for this event.  Doug made pulled pork, which is a favorite of mine and Lia and Anna made me a "Sprite Cake".  This is really a 7upCake but made with Sprite (which is my drink of choice when it comes to soda).  
We are pretty good about taking family photos whenever we are together.  But usually, we miss getting a picture of me with Gwen and Doug.  This year I made sure to get that photo.  Also we never get a picture of the "adults".  Usually it is just me and the grandkids.  So I was extra happy to get a photo with Gwen and Tim and Doug and Susie.  And notice, please, that Lia is in these photos!  This was the best birthday treat!  She actually came home from college and was able to be at this event.  The added perk of this was that she only had a 4 hour and 30 minute drive back to campus from my house.  Being a bit further west out of the madness of Chicago traffic makes for a quicker trip back to college for her.  Good food, good conversation and good time together.  There is no better birthday than that.

The following days were filled with gatherings with friends to celebrate my special day.  My calendar was filled with breakfast/lunch meetings and so much time together talking, laughing and praying.  I spent my actual birthday morning with Grace and Jimmy and then the late afternoon/evening with Gwen and Tim, Ellie, Anna and Zeke (as well as more friends who came to Gwen's for a ROCK teachers meeting).  All in all, it was a week of fun and fellowship.  No better way to spend a birthday.

As mentioned in previous blogs, I have sort of been dreading this BIG birthday turning 70.  But, as I write this blog, I have realized that each passing year has just gotten better!  A schedule change for me this year is allowing me to attend a Wednesday night dinner and Bible Study at my church.  I have time to have these breakfast/lunch meetings with friends.  Suddenly I have four regular "monthly" get togethers over a meal.  The best realization I have had is that learning and growing doesn't end at a certain age.  I have been stretched by the Bible Studies I am in right now.  I love when I can say, "Wow, I never knew that before!" or "That is a new way to think about that!"   More than anything, I don't want to get stuck in old ways, old thoughts, old ideas.  As I said in my previous blog, I want this new decade to count!  I'm not sure what exactly that means, but I have that target to shoot towards.  I don't have any immediate plans or even ideas, but I feel open to whatever comes my way.  

Today I am celebrating that the antibiotic I received after an urgent care visit last weekend, has cleared up both my sinus infection and urinary infection.   Thankfully, I was never terribly sick with either thing, just a bit aggravated by the symptoms.  The sinus problem is an old one that often strikes with fall allergies around my birthday.  The nonstop headache is reason enough for medicine.  The other symptoms made an urgent care visit more necessary.  So in spite of entering my 70's with a doctor visit, I am thankful for insurance coverage for the visit and medicine at no cost out of pocket.  

This song represents so much to me .  Goodness of God speaks of God's faithfulness over my life.  Take a moment, click this link.  I know this is true - God is running after me and you!  

Jesus, thank you for friends, family and fellowship.  Holy Spirit, continue to remind us that you have been faithful to us.  Birthdays are just days on the calendar. Jesus you are with us all the days of our life.  Thank you for another day to praise you, to worship you, to learn and grow.  Amen

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Birthday celebrations Lyn!
    Happy 70th year! Jody M
