Sunday, July 1, 2018

A tribute.....

I was just sitting here, thinking about the last week.  It has been a time of shock, contemplation, memories, as well as a time to look ahead with confidence and hope.  Last Sunday morning, Rich Fick, one of those "giants of the faith"  who have such a huge influence on your life, stepped out of this earthly life and into eternal life.   It was a total shock to everyone.  He had not been sick.  In fact, he was getting ready to go to church and preach a sermon, when Jesus called him home.   If someone were to ask me to name people that had a direct effect on my spiritual growth, Rich would be on the top of the list.  For over 25 years, the teaching, prayer and ministry of Rich and his wife Kay helped build a strong foundation in my life and truly shaped who I am today. .  Rich and Kay's children and my own kids were good friends.  Gwen and Doug both spent many sleepovers at the Fick household and their kids spent time at our house also.  So this was a shock for them as well.   The funeral service yesterday was filled with so many memories, so much laughter, and many tears.  Dan (Rich and Kay's son) preached an amazing sermon.  As Gwen later remarked,Rich would have been so pleased with Dan's words.  Katherine and Tim (Rich and Kay's other children) also shared about their dad. And there were other tributes as well. 

As I considered the tribute that would be shared in this blog, I remembered this....
Oh so many years ago, I created this "scrapbook" frame for Rich and Kay and their ministry, Cyrus Ministries International.    For me, this represents a snapshot of the heart of Rich's mission to follow Jesus.   It may be hard to see in this picture, but the words around the outside of this frame are the foundation of Rich's teachings.   Rich was called into full time ministry after hearing the words, "feed My sheep".  With that charge from Jesus, Rich set out towards that purpose -to share Jesus.  First, speaking the Word.  Everything was bathed in the Bible.  Next, declaring the cross.  Jesus was the main thing.  After these two "biggies" - everything else followed.  There was freedom and broken chains from so many different things that can keep us from experiencing everything we have through Jesus. Seeing Jesus, hearing His voice and staying connected with Jesus through the work of the Holy Spirit, were part of this path to freedom.  The kingdom glory of heaven is to be brought to earth - exactly as we pray in the Lord's prayer.  And as that glory fills us and the atmosphere, healing (physical, emotional, spiritual) naturally follow.  Included in bringing heaven to earth is Communion.  The very real presence of Jesus, left as a gift to renew, recharge and empower us.  Finally, go to the nations.  Every one of us is called to share the Gospel message and Rich did exactly that. His international travels touched so many people around the world.   

The single line "Serving God as He unites heaven and earth in Christ" sort of sums up Rich's life. He loved Jesus and expected to live and serve for many, many more years.  But Jesus had other plans.  Now Rich is sitting with all of the famous Bible folks, seeing Jesus face to face after hearing "Well done, good and faithful servant."

In all of the pain and sorrow of this loss, there is hope.  Hope because of Jesus.  Knowing that those who believe in Him will be with Him eternally.    What a comfort that is through the Holy Spirit! 
After this last week, I can't help but remember to be thankful for each day.  To treasure those closest to me and to make each day count.  There is a plan and purpose and destiny for each one of us and we all need to be taking steps towards that destination every day.  Especially now, with technology everywhere, we need to put down our phones and see each other.  Talk to that neighbor.  Call that old friend you haven't spoken to in months. Make a difference for Jesus.  Speak what is on your heart - even if it is hard or uncomfortable.  Above all else, love people with the love of Jesus.  Even the people that are hard to love!  Death is so often a wake up call, isn't it?  And it is not just for us "old" people.  None of us knows the day or hour of our last breath.  It is in God's hand.  Lets all become seed planters, sowing seeds everywhere we go.  And those that water dry ground, pouring out the Holy Spirit all around us. 

Jesus, thank you for all that Rich brought to me as he fulfilled his destiny.  Help me to share with others, to plant seeds and to water them.    Help us all to keep walking towards our destiny.  Fills us with your words so that we can scatter them abroad.  Fill our belly's with the living water of the Holy Spirit.   Keep Rich's entire family close in this time of great loss for them.  Surround them with your love, your comfort and your peace.  Amen

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