Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Christmas and end of 2019

 We have had an interesting Christmas season this year with all of us experiencing change of plans because of sickness.  I think that is why when we finally managed our family Christmas on the 29th, we were so incredibly thankful to be together.  Gwen's family had three different events cancel.  Doug's family also had parties cancel.  So having all 11 of us healthy was reason to celebrate.  I got the "crud" on the 22nd.  I really didn't feel all that bad, just very hoarse and I did have a fever.  We canceled our plans for the 23rd (maybe next year we will make it to Chicago Chriskindle market) and by late in the day on Christmas Eve, I was feeling better.  We decided to go to church at 9:00pm with Gwen, Tim and the kids.  It was especially fun since I really didn't think we were going to make it anywhere for services.  I was thankful to be on the mend to enjoy the candlelight service.

Ken and I spent Christmas day mostly just watching movies and favorite shows.  I cooked a ham and both Ken and I think it was the best ham we have had in a very long time.  Doesn't that figure?  If we were having a crowd of people over, the ham would have been dry and tasteless.  This ham dinner was a wonderful, flavorful cap to our lazy day.  Our kids have a tradition of staying home so that their kids can enjoy Christmas without having to go anywhere.  I really believe this is a wonderful tradition and am so thankful that they have held on to this special family time.  

Shortly after arriving at Gwen and Tim's for our Christmas Celebration, we took our yearly family pictures.  In past years we have not taken pictures until later in the day, which has not always been the best decision.  This year the kids were willing to sit for pictures, knowing that present opening would happen after the pictures were done.

It is interesting what you see in a photo that was missed at the time you were actually taking the pictures.  My heart did a bit of a flip when I looked at the picture of Ken and I with the kids.  Anna is holding tightly to Lucas bear.  This is very fitting since Lucas would have most likely been filling that spot next to Anna.  Anna was 9 months old when Lucas was born and there will always be an empty spot between Anna and Grace.  And this year we were also missing one of our three family doggies.  Sadly Sammy, Doug and Susie's first pet together, suddenly died the week before Christmas.  Their older dog Kylie is quite confused by Sammy's absence and stays close to Doug.  We didn't even notice her sitting beside Doug and Susie in their family picture, but it is very fitting this year.  

The kids were very patient waiting to start the gift opening.  Even with all five of them, it was really a not so crazy, present opening.  Everyone had lots of fun, there was plenty of torn paper and toy assembly in the hours after.  We had a wonderful dinner followed by some crazy video games.  I even manged to WIN one game, which is truly amazing.  Even Grace was playing along, drawing pictures on her mom's phone.  Such a great family time together.    

For several years, Gwen and Tim and the kids have chosen a gift for us from their church's Kenyan and Haitian Market.  We have received amazing art made from oil drums.  There have been beautiful ornaments made from grass and reeds.  This years star is made from rolled paper.
I so love these precious gifts that help support people who so desperately are trying to earn money to provide for their families.  I especially love that this is a star.....  All I could think of were these words from the familiar carol..

Star of wonder, star of night, star with royal beauty bright.
Westward leading still proceeding, guide us to thy perfect light.

Glorious now behold Him arise
King and God and Sacrifice!
Alleluia, Alleluia,
Heaven to earth rejoice.

So I am leaving 2019, still proceeding.  Going onward, seeking guidance from the perfect light of Jesus.  There is nothing better than knowing that the little baby we celebrate is now filled with glory and reigning as King and God as the sacrifice for us.  It is reason to shout alleluia and to rejoice with all of heaven and earth.  Yes, a fitting end to 2019!

Jesus, our glorious King and God, all we can do is thank you.  Thank you for knowing exactly what we would need to find you in this dark world.  Holy Spirit, thank you for showing us the way to go.  Thank you for shining your light around us and through us.  Keep us close to you as we walk on in the next year.  Give us hope to quench our doubts, faith to empower our steps, and joy to fill our hearts.  Amen.  

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