Sunday, July 19, 2020

Preserving memories - in a very different way!

Yesterday Ken and I hung this metal ring around the large initial "R" that we have had hanging on our wall for a long time.  Both of us were very surprised to see that it was exactly the right size and the spacing was exactly right with the other items on that wall.  This metal ring has special significance to us. I looked for an early picture of this ring (in its original form) and this was the best I could find.  Its from a late spring snowstorm in 1993.  You can see that the tree planted there is pretty little which means we most likely planted it in 1990 or 1991.  Take a look at the barrel the tree is planted in.  That metal ring on our wall is that very ring.

After this tree got way too large for this spot, we tried to move it to that spot in our back yard.  Sadly, this tree did not survive the move (which was somewhere around 2002).  So, we left the container and got another pine tree to plant in the wooden tub.  This is what that tree looked like before it was removed yesterday.  It was listing seriously to one side and had damage caused by the neighboring maple tree.  We were thankful to have it removed by our homeowners association at no cost to us.  
But if you look carefully, you can see that barrel at the base of the tree.

When they removed that tree, the barrel fell apart and they gave us the rings.  Thinking about the last 30 years that we have looked at that barrel, in one place or another, we decided that we really needed to keep it.  And it seemed to be a great idea when it fit so perfectly surround our R.  I am sure some people will think that this is taking this "preserving" thing a bit far, but I love it.  Isn't it funny how the smallest things can hold so many memories?

When I sit and look over at that ring, I am remembering all of the first day of school photos we took in front of this ring.  I can see Halloween pictures and graduation pictures and all kinds of other family pictures near that barrel.  I am so thankful that this ring survived the clearing of this tree.  

I've been thinking a great deal about what "memories" I will have to scrapbook when I finally catch up and scrap the year 2020.  I cringe when I look at my photos and realize just how few pictures I will have for this year.  We have had no family get togethers.  We did not celebrate Easter together.  We have missed birthdays and anniversaries and so many other events. And Ken has spent way too much time in the hospital during this year.   COVID has made for a very very small 2020 scrapbook.  I just haven't been able to even blog during these unending months of stay at home.  So my blog book for 2020 will also be extremely small.   I guess this is not such a bad thing, since who really wants to remember this year?

I love how this ring is surrounding our R.  As I was reading what I had just written, I was struck by the truth this ring represents.  Our entire family has been surrounded and protected during this year.  During all of Ken's illnesses and hospital stays, during the Pandemic and now during this time after his diagnosis.  Our protection is so much more than a metal ring.  It is the circle of God's presence with us and his powerful and loving care and concern for us that will not be shaken.  COVID can't change that.  Sickness can't take us out of his care.  Even being apart from each other for a time can't take us away from Him.  Jesus has been with us through these months of uncertainty and He will continue to walk with us into the future.   I love the reminder from Psalm 23 that we are walking THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death.  The key here is to just keep walking.

So, even as the COVID cases continue to rise in our area and things remain unsure, I will keep on walking forward.  That ring is a reminder for me and our family that we are not walking ahead alone.  It is a reminder for everyone that Jesus loves us and cares about our struggles and our worries.  He is right there to hold our hand and help us take another step forward.  Make a decision today to just take one more step.  For sure, you are not alone.

Jesus, thank you for the reminder that your love surrounds and guards us even when things seem so shaky and uncertain in the natural.  Holy Spirit, remind us of your loving presence when we are feeling fearful,  Restore our hope for the things that are ahead.  Give us courage to take that one more step today.  Thank you Jesus for family, friends and neighbors.  Amen


  1. That is a very cool story. That ring is surely a sign. So true about not wanting to remember this year. So sad. I just booked a vaca for next May, 2021. Seems so far away, but I hope we don't have to cancel again.

  2. That is a very cool story. That ring is surely a sign. So true about not wanting to remember this year. So sad. I just booked a vaca for next May, 2021. Seems so far away, but I hope we don't have to cancel again.
