Friday, November 11, 2022

A hope filled future....because of Jesus

 It seems very strange to be talking about hope on this particular day.  Eight years ago today, I couldn't imagine a future filled with hope.  Our family was in the midst of a great tragedy, the death of a ten day old baby.  Even now, eight years later, my heart remembers the pain and the asking "why" questions that had no answers.  But Jesus.  Ten days ago, on Lucas' eighth birthday, our family remembered him together. It was an incredibly beautiful, sunny and warm day. The fall colors were amazing.  I found myself filled with love and even joy as we watched the falling leaves standing at the grave of Lucas Jacob Rowley. 

Seeing Doug and Susie with Grace and James, is the true testimony of "But Jesus".  For this family to survive and grow and shine with love, after this catastrophic loss is a picture of a hope filled future.  It hasn't always been easy, but knowing that Jesus has overcome death and the grave, gives us the courage and boldness to walk on into the future.  A future of remembering Lucas, knowing we will see him again one day, because of Jesus.  

This past week I attended my first ever writing conference.  While it was not easy or comfortable, it was very good.  It brought clarity to me and confirmed for me the Spiritual call I have to share my story.  I realized that this particular blog title could be a subtitle to my book!  Every generation on my family tree as far back as my great-great grandparents, lived a hope-filled life in spite of impossible and often terrible situations.  But Jesus.  After the first few sessions of this conference, I was ready to throw in the towel and stop even thinking about spending more time writing.  But, thankfully, I hung on till the end of the event.  One of the last speakers reminded us all of the Spiritual call that had brought us to even begin to think about writing our stories.  It was a reminder that the world needs our hope-filled words.  

Just before that conference, I received an unexpected comment on an older blog.  It was an anonymous comment that included the words "you should consider writing a devotional".  During those hard sessions at the conference, those words helped me hang on to hope that I was actually a writer.  That comment reminded me that I write because of Jesus.  Yes, it is a hope filled future.  There is so much ahead with Jesus.

Thank you for all that you show us each day, Jesus.  Holy Spirit, comfort all who mourn and grieve. Fill us with the love, joy and hope that we have because of Jesus.  Give us courage to walk in hard places and grace and peace to work through tough situations.  Help us love others when things are hard.  Thank you for holding us close when we don't understand.  Amen

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