Friday, December 8, 2023

Advent - Waiting for Christmas

 This week at Doug and Susie's house, I noticed their Nativity set on the dining room table.  Grace had set it up, all by herself.  At first I wondered about the placement of the figures.  But when I asked her why they were like this she said, "Well, they all want to see Jesus!  They are circled around him so that they can all get close to him! The angel wants to pray for him.  The kings want to be able to give him their gifts!"   I don't know if there is a better way to set up a Nativity!

Advent is such a wonderful time and it really is all about wanting to see Jesus and get closer to him.  Grace has the best idea.  I love that sometimes the kids understand the story better than we do.  

Grace had a really busy time last weekend.  First, Grace and I went to see "Elf, the Musical".  It was an extra special treat since Grace got to spend the night with me after the play.

Even though we got home way after Grace's bedtime, I had promised her an ice cream treat.  So, before bed she got her treat.
I got her home in the morning on Sunday.  Susie and Grace had tickets to another play that day!  Grace is one very blessed six year old that saw two live performances in one weekend.  Susie and Grace went to the Paramount Theater and saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  
Because Doug was out of town, I stayed with Jimmy.  It is always fun to see exactly what Jimmy will decide to play with.  On this day I took out the play dough.  He had extra fun when he discovered the scissors.
After that, he decided he wanted to play with his "computer" which is (wisely) kept on top of the refrigerator.  
At two and half he is still a bit rough with these electronic toys.  But he is getting the hang of using the pen that comes with this.  He mostly just wants to turn it off and on and put the pen in and out of the holder.  But to him, its great fun.  We ended the day, celebrating Susie's birthday (which is really in a week).  We had her favorite, Olive Garden, which is also a special treat for me!

I have had two different Christmas gatherings yesterday.  The first was with my prayer group.  I have been meeting with some of these ladies since 2013.  We have picked up a few new gals in the last years.  We don't live in the same town or go to the same church, but these friends represent so much prayer power! We are all different ages, single, married and widowed.  Kid's at home or grown and married.  Some of us have no grandchildren, some have several and one of us has 20 grandkids!  We are not the same in many ways, but we all love Jesus and know that prayer works.

We have supported each other through some very difficult times of sickness and death.  We have rejoiced with weddings of children, new grandbabies and new opportunities.  Our text prayer chain is long and detailed.  But we have seen some marvelous answers to prayer as well as powerful testimonies of God's provision.  Our times together, face to face have become less frequent than in the past.  But we have kept the strong connection that comes when you join together in prayer.  It was a wonderful time of catching up, hearing some amazing stories of family miracles and testimonies and also praying for each other.  

After this great breakfast with friends, I went immediately to an afternoon gathering of another amazing group of prayer loving friends.  I didn't think to snap a photo at this gathering, sadly.  On my way home I was singing along (loudly) to some radio Christmas carols and feeling so happy and so blessed.  I actually got stuck in a really long traffic jam caused by an accident and had a quite significant delay in getting home.  But it just didn't matter to me yesterday.  I  was drawing up close to Jesus, just like the figures in Grace's nativity, while singing about that very story.  Like so many things, it is all about your perspective.  

If you don't already, I would greatly encourage you to find an Advent devotional that will help you to see Jesus and get closer to him.  The carols and songs of Christmas are a great way to do this also.  Don't worry about whether or not your voice is "good".  Just turn that music up and sing your heart out.  You will be blessed!

Jesus, thank you for the messages we get from children.  Thank you for their pure hearts that "tell it like it is".  Give us all the courage to set aside time to focus on you, Jesus.  Thank you for time spent with our families and friends during this season.  Holy Spirit, remind us that our prayers matter.  Amen

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