Friday, May 31, 2024

Spring Dance Recital - 2024 - a Teary Good-bye!

One of the yearly events that has marked my calendars for the last 15 years has been the Dance Connection Dance recital.  This years recital was a milestone for sure - it was Lia's last dance recital!  After 15 years it is impossible to imagine that she will not be on that stage next year. 

All of the dances were amazing and Lia, Ellie and Anna all danced so well.  But it was the closing of the show that brought the tears.  The tradition is that the seniors who are graduating receive flowers.  This year, Ellie and Anna presented the flowers to Lia.  I don't who was crying the hardest - the three on stage or those of us watching in the audience!

Anna begged to be in the special dance company, Spotlight, so that she could actually dance with Lia.  It was something to watch all three girls perform at one time.  And while we have many more years of recitals (think eight more if Anna dances all the way through) there was a strong feeling of this being a "graduation" for Lia.  

I went to two recitals this year.  The first day, Susie and Grace game to watch the girls dance.  The second day you really felt the "ending" as this was the last time Lia would dance with Dance Connection.  For Gwen and Tim, this really did feel like a "Graduation".  Lia was home schooled and had actually been doing college classes for the last two years at their local community college.  Never the less, they are treating this year as her "Graduation" so it was fitting to call this last recital a graduation.  We will be having a proper celebration for her soon (watch for that blog to come.)

I looked back through my photos from 2010 - the year of Lia's first dance recital.  I think I got more chocked up at those photos than I did at the recital!  Ken insisted that Lia must have the Penguin Pillow Pet since she loved Penguins!  This was one tired little girl after two very long dance recitals and a long day.  But she loved this so much!  

Watching Lia on stage dancing is watching someone float across the stage.  Even when she is tapping (which is far from floating) she makes it all seem effortless.  The hours and hours of practice both at the studio and at home are pretty obvious when you realize that she has memorized tons of dances with elaborate choreography.  I can't say enough good things about Dance Connection.  In addition to her own dances, she has been a student teacher for years as a volunteer.  This mentoring brings so much, not only to the little ones but to these older students. There are so many life lessons that Lia has learned through this experience.  She has worked hard and persevered to move up to each new level.  She has practiced and stretched and worked her muscles.  There is team work and cooperation necessary to make these dances audience ready.  She has been a friend, a teammate, a mentor (Miss Lia) and more.  

So this final dance recital had me looking back and remembering all those past recitals.  I can't wait to see where Lia will go and what she will accomplish.  One thing is certain, she is a great role model.  When she is invested in something, she also is willing to share that with others. While this might be the end of her time at Dance Connection, she is going to have a dance minor at college and will be dancing there. While this is an ending here, it is just the beginning!

Whenever I get the opportunity to watch Lia teaching on Sunday Mornings at Rock (the children's ministry at our church) I find myself looking ahead!  Lia has been a part of the mentoring program at Boulder (the student ministry) as well as serving in other ways at church.  I am sure that this will not end during her time at college.  

I have been thinking about endings and beginnings.  Isn't it interesting that the Bible starts with the words..."In the beginning".   Life is all about this very thing.  Beginnings and endings.  Birth and death.  These are the bookends that make up life for all of us.  While I was pondering this, I realized why Jesus talked about being "born again".  We need this new beginning for the totally new life that we have in Him.  I have never seen this in quite this way before.  And the very good news about this new beginning is that the "ending" of this isn't really an ending at all!  We just get to transition into a different phase of  everlasting life.  Jesus has defeated death!  Yep, this is truly the "Good News".

Jesus, thank you for your death on the cross that bring us into eternal life with you.  Holy Spirit, help us all to understand and grasp this simple, yet mind-boggling truth.  Continue to give us courage and boldness to share this with world.  Remind us that your message is for ALL!   Thank you for opportunities for fellowship and learning.  Thank you for family.  Amen

Sunday, May 26, 2024

A birthday for a new teenager and time with a "three-nager"

Yes, here I am with yet another birthday post...and there are still more to come in May!  It has always been a busy month for me since both Ken and my mom also had May birthdays.  May 14th would have been Ken's birthday number 72.  It is really hard to believe that this is the fourth birthday since he died.  Lately I have been realizing just how young Ken was when he died.  Part of this is my looming 70th birthday.  And I still feel pretty young.  And yet, here I am with another teenager grandchild!

Zeke turned 13 on what would have been my mom's 109th birthday.  Zeke was born just a few weeks after my mom died and it was special that he shares her birthday.  What an incredible guy Zeke is!  In typical teen fashion, all he wanted for this birthday was a particular video game that includes a full driving function.  So, along with Gwen and Tim (who purchased all the accessories), I gifted the actual game! 

He was one very happy 13 year old.  Of course I also got him some running gear since he is planning to run a half marathon in July.  He is following after his mom and dad for sure!

I also got to deliver his gift from Uncle Doug and Aunt Susie, which was just about as exciting for him as the video game stuff - a whole lot of fishing gear..  

Since Gwen and Tim live on a lake, there are lots of opportunities for fishing and Zeke and his friend spend many hours fishing.  I love that Chandler managed to get in this picture!  Whether it is gaming, running, fishing, volleyball, basketball or any other of the various favorite things, Zeke is a busy young man.  He just finished up seventh grade as a homeschooler.  He is marking time until he is a high schooler and can go on Boulder mission trips.  He loves roller coasters and will spend as much time as he can at Great America (they have memberships since they live so close). I love that this now teenager still wants to give his grandma hugs when I leave.  He is almost as tall as me now! Sigh.  

Once a week I get to spend the day with Jimmy while Grace is in school.  He is a busy almost three year old!  One of my days with Jimmy, I left the room for a minute and forgot my phone sitting on the table.  Later I discovered these gems in my photo library...

This kid managed to open my phone, enter my password (which all the kids know), find the camera and take these selfies!  This is certainly thee work of a "three-nager".  He is full of life and spends hours running!  Lately he is Buzz Lightyear on a mission.  He holds his arms out and screams "To infinity and beyond!" while "flying" around the room!  Last week he wanted me to "fly" around with him and after several turns around the yard, grandma sat down and declared her "plane" in the hanger for repairs!  

Both of these special boys have really soft hearts.  I see the same spirit in each of them.  They care deeply about others and really want to do the right thing. Right now Zeke is faced with many older kids who might not be the best influence.  And Jimmy is having a hard time listening and obeying.  Not easy issues to work through at three and thirteen.  I am confident that Jesus has plans and purposes for both of these boys and will help them through these "growing pains" as they mature.  I have heard recently that spending time with your grandchildren actually extends your life!  I am so thankful that I have been able to spend time with all of my grandchildren.  I love watching the girls talk about clothes, hairstyles, jewelry and nails and I love hearing all about video games, crazy roller coasters, Buzz Lightyear and Spidey.  All of it is so rewarding.  I admit that I often see flashes of Gwen and Doug when I am with the kids.  Zeke's excitement about the fishing stuff reminded me of the time Doug and I were visiting my mom in Minnesota and he proclaimed, "Land of 10,000 lakes and no where to fish!"   It is my constant prayer that the kids will benefit from the time I spend with them, as much as it will benefit me. Especially around Ken's birthday, I reflect on just how much he is missing out on.  One thing is certain, being with all the grandchildren brings me joy and laughter and love.  And I wouldn't miss this for the world.  

Don't miss out on the chance to be a blessing and be blessed! If you don't have children or grandchildren of your own, find some in your neighborhood or your church.  These kids love to share their worlds with others.  It's time for Vacation Bible School.  Volunteer to help out.  You will be blessed (tired but blessed)!

Jesus, thank you for reminding me that blessings are all around.  Holy Spirit, give us all courage to step out of our comfort zones and take steps to meet new people.  Thank you Jesus for the plans and purposes and destiny you have for all of us.  Help us all to slow down and find joy in the little things.  Bless all the children, Jesus, as they grow.  Give patience and peace to all the adults in their world.  Amen

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Another show and Mother's Day...

Ellie had another show "Honk" in late April.   Every time I see Ellie perform, it amazes me!  She has come so far and I expect to see so many shows in the future.  This was a real cute show based on the story "The Ugly Duckling".  Anna and Lia missed the show I was at because it is "dance recital season" and there were extra practices.  Ellie missed those practices, but will still be in the upcoming dance recital!  

Suddenly it was May.... I just don't know where the time goes!  Somehow Gwen turned 45 on May 4th.  Even typing that seems unreal.  I am sure many other "older mothers" will agree that it seems like just yesterday that you were having your babies.  

This is how I actually met Gwen.  I had a C Section under general anesthesia after a very prolonged labor (think Tuesday - Friday).  There were so many babies being born that there were no cribs left so her first bed was a cardboard box setting on a windowsill.  That required that a nurse had to bring her to my room.  She had a cute dress on and a bow in her hair!  I must have asked Ken over a hundred times if he was sure this was actually my baby.  He insisted that he had waited outside the doors of the OR and walked with her to the nursery.  Really, where have 45 years gone? Pictures now, confirm that there is no doubt that Gwen is mine.  I am very aware that my relationship with Gwen is "extraordinary".  I am so thankful for the time I get to spend with her and for her insight and advice.  Still, it is really hard to process that she is 45!  

We have never really "celebrated" Mother's Day.  Over the years it just seemed like a "Hallmark Holiday".  The gifts that I really loved were those handmade things from the kids.  That is still true today.  Doug and Susie stopped over so that Grace and Jimmy could give me the sweet flowers that they had painted.  They also brought a real plant (Gerber Daisy) and a balloon.  They brought some sweet treats and we had a nice visit sitting in my screen house.  

Any day that the kids come to my house is a good day, and this was a really good day!  This update is a whole lot later than it should be, but wow - we have a lot of stuff going on in May.  Gwen's birthday is just the beginning of a very busy month.  It will be a month filled with birthday celebrations, dance recital, remembering a 50th Wedding anniversary and graduation! Wow!  It is truly a banner month!

Jesus, thank you so much for family and the chance to be a part of my grandkids experiences.  Holy Spirit, remind us all to slow down and appreciate each day.  Help us to let go of the rush and enjoy the calm.  Give us moments to find your presence with us.  Thank you Jesus for loving us.   Amen