Saturday, May 25, 2024

Another show and Mother's Day...

Ellie had another show "Honk" in late April.   Every time I see Ellie perform, it amazes me!  She has come so far and I expect to see so many shows in the future.  This was a real cute show based on the story "The Ugly Duckling".  Anna and Lia missed the show I was at because it is "dance recital season" and there were extra practices.  Ellie missed those practices, but will still be in the upcoming dance recital!  

Suddenly it was May.... I just don't know where the time goes!  Somehow Gwen turned 45 on May 4th.  Even typing that seems unreal.  I am sure many other "older mothers" will agree that it seems like just yesterday that you were having your babies.  

This is how I actually met Gwen.  I had a C Section under general anesthesia after a very prolonged labor (think Tuesday - Friday).  There were so many babies being born that there were no cribs left so her first bed was a cardboard box setting on a windowsill.  That required that a nurse had to bring her to my room.  She had a cute dress on and a bow in her hair!  I must have asked Ken over a hundred times if he was sure this was actually my baby.  He insisted that he had waited outside the doors of the OR and walked with her to the nursery.  Really, where have 45 years gone? Pictures now, confirm that there is no doubt that Gwen is mine.  I am very aware that my relationship with Gwen is "extraordinary".  I am so thankful for the time I get to spend with her and for her insight and advice.  Still, it is really hard to process that she is 45!  

We have never really "celebrated" Mother's Day.  Over the years it just seemed like a "Hallmark Holiday".  The gifts that I really loved were those handmade things from the kids.  That is still true today.  Doug and Susie stopped over so that Grace and Jimmy could give me the sweet flowers that they had painted.  They also brought a real plant (Gerber Daisy) and a balloon.  They brought some sweet treats and we had a nice visit sitting in my screen house.  

Any day that the kids come to my house is a good day, and this was a really good day!  This update is a whole lot later than it should be, but wow - we have a lot of stuff going on in May.  Gwen's birthday is just the beginning of a very busy month.  It will be a month filled with birthday celebrations, dance recital, remembering a 50th Wedding anniversary and graduation! Wow!  It is truly a banner month!

Jesus, thank you so much for family and the chance to be a part of my grandkids experiences.  Holy Spirit, remind us all to slow down and appreciate each day.  Help us to let go of the rush and enjoy the calm.  Give us moments to find your presence with us.  Thank you Jesus for loving us.   Amen 

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