Thursday, August 8, 2019

Watching her bloom and grow.....

I have so much respect for farmers and really anyone who plants seeds and then just waits for them to grow.  I can not think of anything that takes more patience and faith than throwing some seeds into the dirt and expecting something good to come out of it.  There is all of the watering. And the tending to the plot.  Weeding and watching.  Yes, let's just say it -  very much patience involved in this. 

This week I have been witness to the amazing blooming and growing of one of my precious grandchildren,  beautiful ten year old Ellie. 
For her entire life, this sweet girl has been talking about being a fashion designer.  When she was very small she would use the dress up bin to create some interesting outfits.  There was a time that I watched Ellie take brown paper and tape and make an entire outfit for herself that included a skirt and top.  She found ways to create Barbie outfits out of old socks and a pair of scissors.  It just seemed to come naturally to her.  She has a real eye for putting outfits together and sometimes you might think "that will never look good".  But when Ellie puts it on, it looks great!  This week Ellie got to go to a sewing class.The first step on the road to her dream job.  In this class, she learned how to use a sewing machine and she has made some amazing projects in the first three days of the class!  The drawstring bag she is holding was her second project.  She made two hair scrunchies on the first day of class.  
Needless to say, this girl is living the dream right now.  Suddenly, all of those strong desires to create fashion seem much more possible to her.  Seeing her excitement and joy is so wonderful.  Along with this sewing class, God had another surprise in store for Ellie.  
This beautiful single flower represents months of waiting and watching for Ellie.  I actually gave her these little pots and seeds in her Easter Basket this year, along with some gardening books and gardening tools.  She has always expressed a desire to have a garden and this is the first time that she has actually seen the fruits of her labor!  Ellie carefully tended to those pots of seeds.  She brought them in the house if there was too much rain.  She watered and misted the ground.  She moved the pots into the best sunlight.  And then, this week, a wonderful  flower exploded into view.  

Isn't Jesus just awesome?  What a special week for this sweet girl and what amazing rewards for her hard work.  I don't know if I have ever known another child with such a generous spirit.  If anyone admires something that she has, she will offer it to them.  She would literally give you the shirt off of her back if she thought you needed it.  Ellie had to work hard to learn to read.  Her success came after many trials, but also much encouragement and love.  And lots of perseverance.  

I have mentioned before that I gifted each of my grandchildren with a word that I received for them before they were born.  I remember the exact moment that I saw Ellie as a warrior for the Lord.  I believe that she will stand on high places and pray and intercede for others.  I didn't realize until today, that standing on high places means that she will need to climb to get to those high places.  This girl has already scaled a number of really big things in her short ten years.  She has conquered Dyslexia and reads well.  Quite a big hurdle.  She is growing in patience and faith with a simple little pot of dirt and a small packet of seeds.  And she is realizing a dream to be able to sew and create wonderful things. 

Even the smallest things in our day to day life, are a part of God's plan for us.  We are being trained and equipped to fulfill the purpose that God has for each of us.  Sometimes it might not be clear how the trials and events of our life are part of that plan.  But just think about David learning to protect the sheep in the field that later gave him the courage and determination to slew Goliath.  And there are so many more Biblical examples of God bringing his people into their life purpose a little bit at a time. So even if your are walking through some uphill battles right now, be encouraged that God has a plan and purpose for your life and He will be with you as you walk on.  

I love how God gives us each exactly what we need to learn and grow.  Watching Ellie this week I can see this verse, Romans 8:28.  
And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, 
who have been called according to his purpose.

Jesus, thank you for opening my eyes to the wonderful way that you use everything in our life to help us grow in your plan for us. Jesus, continue to bless Ellie as she grows into the woman that you desire he to be.  Holy Spirit, help us to have more patience and faith in all areas. Jesus, remind us of your plan and purpose for each one of us.  Give us courage and boldness to go on, even when we can't yet see the reward at the end. Bless all of the farmers who provide our food.  Amen

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