Sunday, September 8, 2019

Walking into a new phase of life...

I love this picture so much!  It is one of the first photos of me, and I am being held by my sister Julie.  I was thinking about this pictures yesterday.  It was a big day for birthday.  And a BIG birthday at that!  I turned 65 - that's right - medicare age.  I am usually the first to tell you that birthdays are no big deal and age doesn't mean a thing.  But this year, it did seem a bit different.  Considering that this photo is 65 years old, it is a pretty amazing.  Not many people had photos taken when they were just born.  I am so thankful that my dad was a bit of a photography nut, who always had his camera with him and took lots of pictures.  My sister Julie is 8 years older than me.  We shared a room for many years and I have lots of memories of being with her through my growing up years.   I love this photo of Gwen's kids just after Anna was born.  I always think about the picture of Julie and I when I see this photo since there is an 8 year age difference between Lia and Anna. 
It is really interesting for me to watch the interaction between Lia and Anna and I often reflect on my experiences with Julie.  Family dynamics are so interesting!  We are all a product of our upbringing.  As much as we might try to think that is not true!  Turning 65 has given me a reason to sort of stop and evaluate and also to look ahead.

Being 65 isn't quite the same as it was years ago.   I was shocked recently when I read that when Social Security began in 1940, the average life expectancy was 61 for a man and 65 for a women.  According to the "experts", I can expect to life till 87!  And one out of three 65 year olds will live past 90 and one out of seven will live past 95.   So I guess you could say that 65 is the new 45?
Since none of us can know the length of our days, all of this doesn't really matter.  But knowing that there are most likely lots of years ahead for me, having a sense of the direction I am going is most likely a good thing.

I have so enjoyed the last years, not working and being able to spend time with my kids and my grand kids.  There is nothing that is more fulfilling.  These blogs are a testament to the impact my family has had on my life.  I am so thankful to be in good health also.  It was a pretty big deal for me to finally get my Medicare card and my Medicare supplement.  Since Ken lost his job January of 2018, I haven't had regular health insurance.  I decided to get a catastrophic policy that did not cover any smaller things.  And I am so thankful to say that I never had any need for doctor visits during that time! However it also meant that I didn't have any yearly physicals either.   As of right now, I have a great HMO policy that with Medicare should cover anything I need.   One of the biggest perks with our Medicare supplements for Ken and I, are a free gym membership.  Ken had been using his Silver Sneakers card all summer.  It was wonderful to sign up and get my membership established this week.  Looking forward to being able to swim all winter!  Lastly, I am so thankful for the traveling that Ken and I have done over the last  years,   We still have so many places on our bucket lists that we want to see.  There are so many things that we would still like to do.  I had previously mentioned that our September was going to fly by, with so many plans.  I am especially looking forward to a reunion with some of my extended family in a few weeks.  

So my initial plans, looking ahead, will include
1.  Continue time spent with family.
2.  Going to the gym.
3.  Getting to my doctor for a full physical.
4.  Planning our next vacation.  

It would  not be a birthday week without also thinking about the coming year from a spiritual perspective.  I am so grateful for the two women's small groups that I attend.  I seriously don't know what I would do without these wonderful women who support me, encourage me, stand with me in hard times, laugh with me and cry with me.  The challenge to write is still in front of me.  I have continued to move ahead - even though it has been painfully slow.  I am seeking to make it a priority in the next year to work on putting thoughts on paper at least three times a week.  Even though I really want to move ahead on my writing projects (including this blog), I really don't want writing to become a chore.  When I actually find time to sit down and put those words on a page, it brings me joy and peace.  I don't want that to change.  The process of writing is really hard!  Sometimes I feel as if I have a head full of things that I want to write, but it is so hard to actually sit down and do the writing.  Nevertheless, I am committed to more words actually on paper in the next year.  

This has certainly been a year with some hills and some valleys.  There have been times when I have felt especially close to Jesus, but there have also been those times when I know I have grown distant from Him.  I am so, so thankful that no matter how far away I go, Jesus is right there to woo me back and welcome me with open arms.  On one of the last days of my recent vacation, I was sitting watching the sun rise.  It was quiet in the predawn darkness and I felt the strong presence of Jesus with me on that balcony.  Then I heard a gentle whisper saying "each day is new for you.  Leave yesterdays worries behind and skip into today with me by your side."  Not a new or profound Word, but it was filled with so many things.  Each day is new.... you really don't know what the day will hold.  If you don't stop and let go of those things that are weighing you down, it is hard to walk freely into a new day. And lastly, isn't it so much easier to actually SKIP (or hop or run or jump) into your day when you know that Jesus is walking along with you?   I am so thankful for this very short, but powerful direction for my next year, and I don't mind sharing it with you!  Sit a moment and consider that short statement and see if it doesn't change how you feel at the start of each new day!

Jesus, thank you so much for birthday times that give us a reason to stop and reflect on the past year and on the year ahead.  Thank you for your guidance and protection.  Holy Spirit, continue to bring wisdom to us so that we make good choices as we walk each day.  Thank  you for family, for friends and for fellowship with you.  Amen 

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