Friday, September 20, 2019

Facing challenges, in so many different ways

It was a bit of a challenge for our family to just find a time to get together to celebrate my
 birthday!  We finally found a Sunday that we could all be together from noon to 3:00pm.  We had hoped to have a picnic (something that we have been trying to do for years), but the weather was rainy and cool.  So we opted to meet at a fast food place for lunch and then pray that the weather cleared so we could visit a new playground.  As you can see from this picture, we did, in fact, make it to the park and it was a really wonderful time. 
Gwen and Tim had driven by this large park many times, but had never stopped.  It has some really interesting climbing obstacle course like equipment. The kids had a blast!  Even the "adult" kids!

Everybody, with the exception of Grandma and Grandpa tried out this very tricky course.  There was plenty of other slides, swings and climbers for all of the kids to have a great time.  Even though it was sort of spitting rain at times, and it was a bit chilly, we all still had so much fun.  We will most likely be trying that park again - hopefully for a picnic!

So, yes, it was a challenge to find a time to meet.  And then the park had several challenging obstacles.  But we faced those things and even conquered them.  September had certainly seemed to have more than its fair share of challenging things come up for me.  Some of these things have just been sort of small and just plain distracting things.  My car had a tire with a slow leak that needed to be taken care of.  The challenge of this was that our tire warranty was with Sears. And Sears is now closed.  So we ended up having to buy a new tire.  Not a big thing, but still a challenge we were not expecting.  Ken has had a ton of doctor appointments and with each one there has been a change in his medicine.  Again, not a big deal, but challenging when you are trying to sort pills for a week.  And just keeping track of the doses is a challenge.  On a personal note, I joined a gym (thanks to the Silver Sneaker program through Medicare Advantage) and it has certainly been a challenge for me!  Ken and I went to a water aerobics class and after the class was half over, I was pretty done!  My arm muscles were really sore the next day.  Which tells me that I clearly need this challenge very much!  I am happy that Ken and I will be facing these "challenges" at the gym several days a week.  Hopefully there will be some conquering in the future.  

On a spiritual note, I have been very challenged by a new Bible Study I am doing with some of Gwen's friends.  I wasn't exactly sure how I felt about studying Gideon, but the group seemed to want to do this study.
As you can see on the cover, the study is helping us to better understand our weakness so that we can see God's strength.  The first video of this study contained so much great information and had so many direct challenges for me.  Thirty years ago, I was called into Children's Ministry.  I had no college degree.  I had no experience in teaching.  I seemed like an unlikely person to be called to work with children.  But, nevertheless, I developed a heart and passion and a vision for programming that was radically different than what was the norm at that time.  The foundation of everything that came out of that ministry was that God has a plan and purpose for every child and they can hear his voice and be used by Jesus, while they are still children!   The first day of this study challenged me to not forget the call that Jesus put on my life so long ago.   Every day of the study has brought more little snippets and reminders that have challenged me.  So I am working through this study, forging ahead and praying that at the end of the study, I will have conquered some of these challenges. 

My last blog was about my birthday and thinking about the year ahead.  I talked about the things that I hoped to accomplish and what I thought the year might look like.   I felt pretty good about that blog post.......until I picked up my daily devotional and read this...

Have you ever felt like Jesus was looking over your shoulder and then reacting to something you had said?  Well, this was for sure a wake up call for me!  Don't ask for a blueprint of the next year.  Just focus on each day and be flexible!  Boy is that ever a challenge for me.  Don't you just love when a devotion you see and/or read fits with exactly where you are?  

So many challenges, so so many.   I am just very thankful today that I can actually see some challenges conquered.  I can see some that I have at least walked into.  And I can also appreciate the challenges that I am hesitating on, praying about and working towards.  Yes, just as my Bible study weakness and God's strength.  If you are in the midst of a bucket load of challenges, sort of like me, take courage!  You and I are not alone in this struggle. It was so fun watching the adults help the kids on that obstacle course in the park.  Helping a  little hand or foot find the right hold, sometimes giving verbal instructions or encouragement to a timid child.    I am so thankful that I know that Jesus is right here with  me and I have the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me through whatever is ahead.  I am thankful for this platform that allows me to share my hopes and dreams, my thoughts and also my challenges.  Life is so much better when you live it in truth and openness.  Thank you all for being a part of this!

Jesus, you are the best friend anyone could have.  Thank you for caring about me and listening to my ramblings.  Holy Spirit, you are always ready to lead and guide me when I am searching for a solution to a challenge.   Remind us all that we are your children and we can hear your voice.  Give us courage to walk on, even when it is new or fearful.  Jesus, I love you.  Amen

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