Monday, August 17, 2020

What is a "Mission Trip" like in 2020?

Since nothing is like it has always been, this year Gwen and Tim's mission trip with the youth from their church was a "local" experience.  So instead of a 8 or 9 day trip, it was only a three day experience.  That meant that my time with the kids was also short and sweet.  Ellie was very aware of the shortness of this time, since this was her last time as a "kid" and assuming that things go better next year, she will be old enough to attend the mission trip with Gwen and Tim (and Lia of course.)  Since 2009 this has been a special time for me to really be with the kids 24/7.  It is always a meaningful time and I look forward to it every year.  Zeke had a list of all the activities that he wanted us to cram into the three days.  We MOSTLY finished the list.  Going down by the lake on their property was on the list and something that I did not want to miss.  


We visited several fast food restaurants, which usually would have included a Playplace visit.  Not this year.   We also visited a new favorite of the kids that they call the Teepee.  It is actually a chocolate shop that sells ice cream.  Due to the very hot weather and the rapidly melting ice cream, I didn't get any photos there.  But it was a treat for all of us.  In kind of a "you couldn't have planned this is you tried" event, Gwen and Tim and the entire mission trip drove by the Teepee and saw the kids sitting outside eating their ice cream.  Zeke thought it was really cool that his mom and dad had driven by right when we were sitting there.  Gotta love those "coincidences!"  We visited several playgrounds, including what the kids call "The Big Park".

We also went to the "Fake Grass" park twice!  This is fairly close to their house and it does have astro turf under all the playground equipment.  Really interesting! 
And best of all for Zeke, I drove him to the "skate park".  He used his scooter and did really well.  Most of the kids at this park were older, but they were all friendly and helpful.  It was a good experience.  Now Zeke would like to back there all the time! Ellie and Anna scootered around the top edge, but still had fun.  

In the hours we had at home there was plenty to do.  We spent hours in the pool and the kids spent lots of time on the trampoline and the tractor.  I spent as much time as I could floating in the pool and my tan lines are the proof.    I love the water and this was a real vacation for me.  

The kids all play together so well and they made up a Charade kind of game with clues that I wrote (and drew since Anna can't read yet).  It was a laugh filled couple of hours and so much fun!  They took turns acting out the clues.  I can't believe how creative they are and how good they were at guessing each other!  We also played many, many games of Farkel, which was new to me! They are a game playing family for sure.  

Part of this time always includes us praying for the Mission Trip and all that they might be experiencing and the people they would help.  This year was easier since the kids knew exactly where the group was and knew what they would be doing each day.  Gwen always prepares some treats for the kids and this year was no different.  Again, Ellie was very aware that this was her last time on this side of the trip.

These sticker by number books included in the daily gift,  provided hours of quite activity to even out all the physical activities of the day.  The three days went by so fast, especially since the mission trip came to the house on the evening of day two for swimming, smores and singing.  Watching Tim prepare a meal (with the kids help) for some 30 people was amazing. Such a great experience to get to watch this group of teens and young adults, playing and eating together and then praying and worshiping to end the night.  I loved seeing how they just included Ellie, Zeke and Anna in the activities.  

Gwen didn't know if there would even be any interest in a "stay at home" mission trip.  It was interesting to see that they actually had to cap the number of kids that could come.  The kids served by helping at a local food pantry, they prayer walked the town that their church is in,  they did weeding and lawn care at several locations, and they worked at a ministry that sends donated medical supplies around the world.  They studied about social justice and talked about what it really means to serve others.  Certainly a meaningful three days for everyone.

During one of the times that Ellie, Zeke and Anna and I were just talking and sharing, they asked me what my favorite Bible story was.  It was hard to give them just one, but I settled on "the widow's mite" story.  I remember reading this in my first Bible and thinking about the meaning behind this story.  I told the kids that this story touched me because I knew that my family was not rich.  So knowing that God welcomes the smallest offering, brought me peace.  Zeke said (after much thought) that his favorite Bible story was about the Crucifixion and he especially liked that the veil was torn when Jesus died.  He said that he liked this because it meant that we could come close to God again.  I thought that was pretty good theology for a nine year old!   Anna liked Daniel and the lion's den.  Ellie and I had a long conversation about satan and the armor of God.  This of course led to the kids singing "Stomp on the Devil" one of their favorite songs.  

I always tell Gwen that this is my "mission trip" each year.  It allows Gwen and Tim to share with a new generation what Jesus did and said about serving others.  Gwen is now the  NextGen Director at her church - a title that is very fitting.  Working with babies, toddlers, children, teens and young adults, this new title encompasses them all.  Watching the group laughing and talking together after a tiring day of service gave me just a glimpse of the impact Boulder (youth program) and Rock (children's program) are having.  Sitting in the background, listening to their worship, was amazing.  When the mission trip group left to go back to the church, I realized that I had a renewed sense of hope.  Let's face it, 2020 has done a number on all of us.  It is hard to have faith and trust when everything is so uncertain.  And it is also hard to hang on to hope when things look so dark in the world.  I really needed these three days and I really needed that dose of hope.  You never know where or when the Holy Spirit will send that shot just when you least expect it.  Thank you Gwen, Tim, leaders, and kids.  Thank you Holy Spirit!

Jesus, thank you for knowing that we all forget you are with us always.  Holy Spirit, thank you for bringing that reminder that God has everything under control, even when it might not look good in the natural.  Help us all to watch and listen for those times when you are speaking to us.  Thank you for the energy and stamina and creativity of children.   Thank you Jesus for hope, peace and joy.  Amen

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