Sunday, June 20, 2021

Lia is 15 and Gwen and Tim celebrate their 20th Anniversary!

I always appreciate doing these blogs because it helps me to reflect on just how blessed my life is!  Just after our family welcomed baby James,  Lia turned 15 years old.  It is truly hard to imagine that I now have 7 grandchildren!  And as the oldest, Lia is now well on her way to the end of her childhood.  

Lia is such a wonderful young lady and I loved tht I got to be with her to celebrate her special day.  I can't believe that she is now taking (gasp) drivers ed and will getting her permit soon.  Wasn't she just a tiny baby?  I love seeing how well she cares for her many friends and is always the first to give a word of encouragment to others.  Her confidence and caring will pave the way for amazing things in her future.  

On the heels of Lia's birthday was Gwen and Tim's 20th Wedding Anniversary.  While they had at one time, planned to go on a big vacation for thier anniversary, logistics just didn't make that possible.  Instead of going away, they asked if I would watch all four kids for a few days at my house, so that they could be "kidless" at home.  They had a wonderful couple of days, enjoying the time to do as they pleased, when they pleased!  

We don't often have the chance to be at my house without Gwen and Tim, so the kids were really looking forward to this visit.  We went out for a furious game of Mini Golf, which was really a lot of fun.  The kids were so happy to get in an extra visit with Grace and baby James without a "very long car ride".  Grace was happy to share her really small pool and a walk to the nearby playground.  We also had many games of Zingo and Candyland.  The time passed so quickly for me.  I am really cherising all the time I have with the kids. With Lia being 15, I know these times together are quickly coming to an end.  

 Since Doug has  returned to work after a couple of weeks home, I have gotten to visit and see James and have play time with Grace.  I know how much help a pair of extra hands can be with a preschooler and a newborn.   Grace and I have had lots of fun, especially when it is not just too hot to be outside.  
I love this photo I snapped of Grace one morning when the light was streaming in through their patio doors.  She is certainly all of the personality that you see in this picture, along with her daddies big eyes!   For the most part, she is quite happy being a big sister and very ready for the time that James will do more than eat and sleep and actually play with the many baby toys.  

The sunlight in this picture is a reminder of the very real "Son light" that covers over all of my family.  Every day and in so many ways, I can see and feel the presence of Jesus with us.  We have thankfully, as a family, survived the pandemic.  We are so blessed with James joining our family.  Being together to celebrate James arrival certainly helped us all know and feel Jesus.  At different and unexpected times, missing Ken becomes very real.  Last week my Timehop showed a picture of the last picnic that Ken and I ever went on last year.  It really didn't seem possible to me that a year had passed since that day.  Ken was happy to be outside by a lake, eating our takeout food.  It was a wonderful cool evening and we spent several hours watching the birds and listening to the sounds of nature.  The surprise for me was that this picnic happened in June.  I would have told you that it must have been August because in my mind this was one of the last times that Ken asked to do something like this. I am so thankful that we had this time together in nature.  Grief is so strange.  Things that you never thought about just hit you out of the blue.  This photo reminder was one of those things.  I happened to be with Ellie, Zeke and Anna when I saw this reminder.  The kids immediately said, "well we should go on a picnic to remember Grandpa".  It was exactly what I needed.  Sometime in the near future, there will be a family picnic on the calendar.  

My heart goes out to so many who face these grief triggers without someone to say the exact right thing when it is so needed.  It is at these times that I am so thankful for that Sonlight around me and the love and support of family and friends.  

Jesus, thank you for your  constant presence and peace that surrounds us.  Holy Spirit, give us courage to walk through times of grief and sadness,   Remind us all to see and feel your presence as we bask in the light of sun.  Thank you for family times, for children, for fun and for the blessings of new babies.  Amen

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