Thursday, June 10, 2021

Welcome James Kenneth Rowley! Such a Joy!

 The long wait has finally ended!  James Kenneth Rowley was born on May 24, 2021.  His name was a surprise for everyone, since Doug and Susie had not made a final decision until he was actually born.  I still can't get over the surprise that this name brought.  Doug and Susie had decided on this name since it was in honor to Susie's dad (Steve's middle name is James) and Kenneth is, of course, to honor Ken.  But sometime in the first day I remembered the very first picture we have of Ken. 
Ken was adopted and he had spent several weeks in the hospital before he went home with the Rowley's.  The nurses had named him after the two doctors who had delivered him by C-section (not very common in 1952).  Those doctors first names were James and Joseph.  Ken's very first name was James.  Doug and Susie did not remember this fact at all.  It was such a God moment for me.  Truly our new little James is a gift to our family and one that Ken would have treasured.  

I had the wonderful pleasure of being with Grace while Susie, Doug and James were in the hospital.  Grace recently "graduated" from 3 year old preschool and one of the special awards from her school was a day at Blackberry Farms.  This is an amazing place with animals, activities and reinactments that were sure to please a preschooler!  And it happened to fall during the time I was watching her.  So off we went to Blackberry Farms!

Grace got to ride the Merry Go Round, and a REAL pony!  We rode the train, we saw lots of animals including her very favorite - a pig!  She was very facinated with the ladies who were carding, spinning and weaving sheeps wool.  We spent a long time watching the process.  Grace's preschool is actually held at this amazing location so she had experience seeing the animals during the year.  At the end of the day, Grandma delighted her with a candy stick treat.  
I got a chance to visit with Susie, Doug and James in the hospital the day after he was born.  All of us were thankful that the COVID restrictions had begun to ease and a few visitors were allowed to come during very limited hours.  So all of the grandparents had a chance to meet James when he was first born.
The next day, I got to witness the homecoming and see Grace's reaction to her new brother.  It was such an amazing event and I feel blessed to have been there.  Kylie and Grace were so gentle when Doug let them see James in his car seat.  Grace was so excited!  She could hardly stand the wait to get to actually hold her brother.

This picture will always be one of my very favorites.  You simply can not deny the total happiness and joy on the face of this big sister.  And James looks cozy and calm.  

It has been such an up and down time since Ken's death, which was exactly 8 months before this picture of Grace and James.  For me, it seems like James birth has propelled me into a new season.  Certainly helpful in this change is the easing of COVID restrictions.  The weather is now very warm and we are truly in the grip of summer.  One of the many articles I have read after the death of a spouse, talked about living through the first year after the death.  The advice given was to mark the changing of the seasons and see the joy in each one.  For me that included the colors of the leaves last fall.  The softly falling snow in the winter and the eruption of the spring flowers.  And as we are moving into summer, I will celebrate the warmth and joy of all of the grand kids as they run and play outside.  What a wonderful summer is ahead,

Jesus has been so present and so real to me during these past eight months. In spite of the huge loss, I have managed to stay on an even keel.  I am so thankful for family and friends who have given me so much support.  My small group has been around me and we always talk about "holding up each other's sheilds",  based on the picture of Roman soldiers standing with their sheilds locked, each one being able to have a ligher load to carry.  I will never underestimate the power of others to carry us when we feel like we might not be able to go on.  It has never been more obvious how much we need each other, than when we were forced apart during COVID.  I am so looking forward to catching up with friends I have not seen, going on trips again, and really enjoying time with my family.  I am so hopeful and encouraged for the time ahead.

Jesus, thank you for new life and the plans and destiny that you have for James.  Holy Spirit, be the encouragment for all who are experiencing loss.  Surround us with your love and presence.  Thank you for bringing us through the trying pandemic.  Give us courage to go out and bring your love to those around us.  Thank you Lord.  Amen

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