Friday, May 21, 2021

Dance Recital Weekend - this year!

 Ths past weekend, I spent the day with Gwen watching the Dance Connection yearly recital.  So much thanks needs to go to Bridget Blake, the Director/Owner of this studio.  During Covid she has worked tirelessly to make dance something that the kids could depend on, even in the midst of quarentine.  She arranged zoom classes and figured out how to bring the kids safely back to the studio as soon as possible.  This is so much more than just a dance studio - it is a family.  This recital marked Lia's 12th  dance recital, Ellies sixth and Anna'a fourth. The one thing that was really not able to be practiced or planned was the weaather, and it was less than ideal!  Saturday was COLD, WINDY and RAINY!  The entire event was held outdoors in an open tent.  I felt so sorry for the dancers in their thin costumes, as Gwen and I sat huddled under two blankets wearing several layers of clothes and sweaters.  But the kids danced like it was 80 and sunny.  There was energy and grace along with precision and joy.  Of course there was also reluctance from the smallest dancers, to even go on the stage!  It just made your heart so full and was such a welcome normal event.  

Anna danced so well!  She had a jazz dance and a tap dance.  I am so amazed at how well these kids do, even the really little ones!  The dances are not easy and there are so many steps to remember.  She danced with so much confidence!

Ellie has had some years where she has chosen to not dance.  But recently, she has really liked Ballet and Lyrical dance.  She has done so well in both and also made so many great friends.  She is moving up next year to a new, harder level that will take lots of work.  But she is dedicated to keeping on in dance.

This only represents a portion of Lia's dances.  I really don't know how she remembers all of these complex dances.  She had a Tap, Lyrical, Jazz, Ballet, Pointe, Student Teacher, and 2 Spotlight dances!  Yes, that is 8 different dances.  It was the first time we have seen her dance "on Pointe" and it was breathtaking.  Both Gwen and I were teary watching her dance.  These 12 years of watching her dance seem to have passed in a flash.  Wasn't it only just a short time ago that she was in that front row of dancers in "Pre Ballet"?  

This was Lia's first dance recital costume.  Driving home, (with my car heater blasting to try to warm up), I was thinking about this very first recital. Ken and I went and Lia was so tired after doing two big dances in one day, she could hardly keep her eyes open. Ken had picked out a special "Penguin Pillow Pet" for her.  
It was so good to be able to walk to a shelf, and pull off a scrapbook from 2010 and find this picture. Certainly makes the time and effort to do these books worthwhile!  Ken was so proud to see Lia up on that big stage. There was a tired 3 almost 4 year old.  And now, there was a poised, talented, confident almost 15 year old!  Dance has strengthened her body, soul and spirit.  She has become close to girls that she has danced with for these 12 years.  She has looked up to and admired and wanted to be like the student teachers and teachers she has learned from.  The care and compassion that was shown to her as she grew and learned each new dance, she is now showing to those little ones that SHE student teaches.  Watching her almost float across the stage brought tears to my eyes.  As of right now, Lia is thinking that dance will be her college direction.  She is only just finishing her freshman year of high school, and that might change.  After this past weekend, that path seems quite likely.  

As I have been reflecting on watching my precious girls dance, there has been an important backdrop to this event.  I am so thankful that these girls are dancing filled with the love of Jesus in their hearts.  The time that they spend at dance is balanced by time learning and growing at church. Church is also home and family to them.  Before they were born, Jesus gave me a glimpse of His plans for each of them.  And it is so amazing to continue to pray for the fulfilment of these plans.  I see Lia as a leader of her peers, bringing so many to know the Lord.  Ellie has the heart of a warior - fighting for those she loves on her knees in prayer.  Anna will bring the kingdom of heaven to earth through a legacy of love.  Yes, I am so grateful that I get to walk along side of my children and grandchildren on this path into the future.  

Sometimes it is not easy to see Jesus at work today.  Things seem so dark and distant from what you read in the Bible.  All you need to do is find a way to surround yourself with the love, laughter and joy of a bunch of kids, dancing with all their might. Then, even with dark skies and rain falling and the wind whipping around you, the sun will come out in your heart.  I also encourage you to stop and ask Jesus to show you how to pray for those around you.  It might even be a coworker or a neighbor.  Or a child or grandchild or niece or nephew.  I remember once hearing this... "General prayers are answered generally.  But when you pray specific prayers your get specific answers".  

I missed telling Ken all about the dance recital.  But I was thankful to have that long ago memory of his love for Lia, shown through a penguin pillow.  

Jesus, help us all to look through the noise and darkness of our world today to find your love and your grace that is all around us.  Holy Spirit, guiard the hearts of our children and youth who face so many temtations today.  Thank you Jesus for giving creative ideas to business owners, to families, to so many during this pandemic.  Thank you for your protection and love.  Amen  

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