Sunday, May 9, 2021

Great family time and an old piece of mail makes me cry!


I had a great day yesterday as we had our last family get together before the arrival of Doug and Susie's new baby (due very soon).  The kids were happy to be together, as usual, and Doug grilled and smoked some good food.  Of course the meal ended with delicous cake and special cupcakes.  I took home a treat of chocolate covered strawberrys, which were wonderful.  Tim was missed, having stayed home, working on projects that really need to be finished.  With their very busy schedule, he needs every moment of the weekend to complete these projects.  I can't help but reflect on how special these times together are, with the COVID pandemic winding down.  We will never take for granted being able to spend time together.  It is always bittersweet missing Ken during these get togethers.  

Today is Mothers Day and we certainly celebrated that yesterday.  I was sharing with the kids, that I had found a letter during some cleaning, that had made me cry!  It was certainly a timely find.  It was a letter Gwen mailed to me from college in 1998.  It was early in her Sophmore year, and the letter was filled with all the interesting stories about her friends and excatly what they were going to do the following weekend.  She talked about some of her classes and her job at the campus day care center.  
Just ordinary stuff for sure.  But the letter ended with this paragraph and it had me in tears......

What a precious Mothers Day gift that Gwen sent me twenty two and a half years ago.  She would not have had any idea just how much this would mean to me, so far off in the future.  It is a reminder that we should  not stop sending those hand written notes!  You just never know how much joy will come at unexpected times.  

The time just seems to be flying by.  I got through April well,  usually a month that causes me to feel a bit down.  My mom, dad, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, and grandmother all died in April.  As a matter of fact, in April 2020, I was actually sort of holding my breath, fearing Ken having a health crisis.  But the month passed without incident.  At times it seems like Ken has been gone for a very long time, but at other times, it feels very new.  I am incredibly grateful for my friends and family that have all been watching over me.  I have been making an effort to get out, to meet new people and continue to process this new season of my life.  Waiting for a new baby in the family is certainly a plus!  I have been so very blessed.  It seems at every turn there is evidence of Jesus watching over me.  Finding the letter from Gwen on Mothers Day weekend, is just an example.  God knows exactly what we need, even more than we do.  If there is someone who has come to your mind, but you just haven't reached out to them, I encourage you to do so!  And write those cards, send those small notes along with making that phone call.  Isn't God just amazing?  I am so thankful.  

Jesus, thank you for putting that letter into my hands at the exact right time.  Holy Spirit, remind us all to answer those small nudges that you give us to reach out to those around us.  Jesus, give us courage and boldness to share our faith with others. Thank you for the blessing of mothers.  Amen

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