Friday, November 19, 2021

November is almost over.... singing a new song of praise!

I can not believe that next week is Thanksgiving.  This month has just flown by.  I was at the doctor this week for my yearly exam and she asked me if I was getting enough physical activity.  I told her she just needed to take a look at my calendar to understand why this is not a problem!  It is a very rare day that I am sitting at home, doing nothing.  Most days are packed with activities and I am quite happy with that.  After a year of pretty much doing nothing but staying at home, it feels good to have purpose in each day.  And the doctor declared me remarkably healthy "for my age".  Sigh.  Can't I just be healthy?
Seriously, I am very thankful for good health and the physical ability I have to be with my grand kids on a regular basis.  Many are not so fortunate.  

We began this month, remembering Lucas on his seventh birthday.  

It is always good to gather and remember Lucas.  it was a really nice fall day and the leaves were crunchy underfoot.  Unfortunately, Scott, Susie's brother, was not able to be with us.  He is still in recovery from the random gunshot wounds he suffered in June.  It is sobering to see how difficult his recovery has been, since he is an innocent victim just walking down the street when he was shot.  I don't think we appreciate just how devastating these injuries can be and the length of the recovery after something like this.   Thankfully, Scott is getting wonderful care at a suburban hospital.  I am hopeful that he will be able to start 2022 closer to a full recovery.  These visits to the cemetery are always a time to stop and reflect and remember.   It is always a good time to talk with the kids about death, and this year there was a very new grave near to Lucas.   There were lots of questions from the kids, and I am thankful that there was time to talk openly and truthfully.  Not easy, but very good.

The "cousins" (as Grace calls them) are always so glad to be together.  Grace loves being with them so much.  
I just loved this picture of the girls together.  Zeke is so thankful to have a boy cousin now.  And always talks about missing Lucas so much.  

I love this picture of Doug holding James talking to Gwen!  It's so good to see your adult kids together and enjoying each others children.  

Spending time each week at both Gwen's and Doug's is so nice.  I really get to see the kids and be a part of the things they are interested in.  Lately, I have been helping Gwen out with some of the (constant) driving that comes along with having four kids involved in various activities.  I take Lia to her Co-op class in the morning and then at the end of the day, drive Lia and Ellie to dance before heading home.  I just love this car time with the kids.  I get to watch the kids homeschool and this was my view the other day....
It looked like Chandler was doing his own bit of "homeschool" while he sat on a folder!  He is most definitely Gwen's dog and likes to be where she is!  That same day, I saw this...
Their resident Cooper's Hawk, who lives in their yard, was actually sitting right on the railing outside of their sunroom.  It was shocking to see just how big he was when he took off!  The kids think this is the same hawk that I saw sitting on the trampoline a few weeks ago.  They do have a park-like setting for sure.  

Every week James grows and changes.  And, for that matter, so does Grace.  She is nearing five years old and her imagination is incredible.  Sometimes I get flashbacks to Doug when he was her age.  He was always telling me some random fact that he had read in some book.  She is an expert game player and always seems to win at Checkers.  And she loves art - all art.  Paint, glue, color, stickers.  Really anything.  And she loves books.  
She loves James so much and can't wait for him to actually be old enough to play with her.  James loves her and breaks into a huge smile anytime he sees her.  Now that he is bigger, she loves to hold him.  
She is a big help and will fetch burp clothes and diapers for me anytime I ask.  Soon enough James will be able to play.  I snapped this picture in James' room and didn't realize that the blanket behind them is the one I made for James!  You can just about make out his name behind Grace.  This week he actually cut his first tooth.  I can't believe he is almost six months old already!  

Thankful for so much this year.  Thankful for good health.  Thankful for family and the ongoing support that we have among us.  Thankful for children and all the activities they have - thankful for the activities they have today and all the places they will go someday.  Thankful for the beauty of the earth and all of God's creation.  Yes, those last few sentences sound a lot like some Thanksgiving songs.  But I am truly feeling them this year.  I have been doing a wonderful Bible Study on Psalm 40 - my favorite Psalm.  I call it my "Slimy Pit" Psalm. If you are curious, just google Psalm 40 and you will understand!  We are getting near the end of our study and have been talking about these lines  Psalm 40:3...

He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.  Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.  

I have never felt, more than this year, the "new song" that Jesus has given me.  I am in a new season of life, as a widow.  Last year was all about getting used to how different my life was.  This year has really been about the hymn of praise.  Being so thankful for my life, each day.  Waking up busy, but so happy.  Ending each day, tired and thankful. So hopeful that my life will have impact and meaning.  My prayer is that I will see the "many" who are watching me, put their trust in Jesus.  

Lately, Grace has been asking me to sing her the "whole world" song.  A few month ago, I randomly sang the old children's song "He's got the whole world in his hands" to her and she remembered it.  The repetitive lyrics are basically...
He's got the whole world in his hands
He's got the wind and the rain
He's got the sun and the moon
He's got the little bitty baby
He's got you and me (insert name) in his hands
He's got the whole world in his hands.  
I don't think there is a better song of praise than that.  Knowing that God has got it ALL!  No matter what!  Yep, my thankful song of praise is rooted and grounded in knowing that He's got the whole world in His hands!  Be encouraged.  No matter where you are today.  If you are mired down in that slimy pit, know that Jesus is the solid rock that you can stand on. If you are feeling your world shaking, know that He's got this!  If you are walking into a new situation, stuck in a bad situation or just don't know where you are..... don't worry "He's got it!"   Jesus has the whole world in his hands!  

Jesus, thank you so much for this season's reminder to be thankful.  Holy Spirit, show us all how God has got us in his hands.  Keep our spirits open to hear your voice and help us to feel your loving hands holding us, even when things are hard.  Thank you for the new song of praise that you give to us.  Amen

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