Sunday, January 16, 2022

My heart, as a grandma, for James...

 I can't believe that James will soon be 8 months old.  The time has just gone by so quickly.  I love that I have gotten to watch him grown and change each week.  His personality is just exploding as he begins to move around and explore everything.  He is curious, strong and very determined!  Now that he can sit up from his tummy, he is a much happier little boy.  More than once, he has pulled up to his knees and even one time to his feet!  So it won't be long till he is running after Grace.  

With each of my grandchildren, I have asked Jesus to show me how to pray for them - specifically - even before they were born.  From those prayers and pages of my journal, I have created a "Name Frame" that reflects the things that I have been and will be praying for them.  Recently, I blogged about Lia's frame.  Many times the words on each of the kids frames, come into my mind as a reminder for me to pray specific things.  I spent most of early January working on the frame for James.  In looking at my journals, the first things I wrote about Jimmy before he was born, were about food!  I saw him as a chef with lots of food items.  This didn't surprise me since Doug has been in the kitchen (or backyard) cooking since he was really small.  But then I remembered the Johnny Appleseed story.  I understood that Jesus was saying that James would spread the truth of God's word, which would be real food.  Just like Johnny Appleseed, I believe that James will make new paths and go in new directions, as he shares his life.  He will be blazing new trails that many others will follow.  He will make these new paths, walking in the footprints of so many of our ancestors.  The word "innovator" was in my journals, over and over.  Someone who introduces new ideas or new methods.  I truly believe that Jimmy is a world changer!  It seems like an enormous amount for a small baby.  But God's plans and purposes for each of us are just as big and far reaching.  It seems to me that we just don't ask for the big picture for ourselves, or our children or grandchildren.  So I am thankful that I have a big vision for each of my children and grandchildren.   It gives this grandma much to pray over, much to think about and much to be thankful for.  

Over the years many have asked me how I have decided what goes into these frames.  Simply, pray and ask.  I know that sounds almost to easy.  But that is how these frames came to be.  Its not to late to think about this for yourself, or your family.  Take sometime and listen (with a pen and journal) and you might be surprised at just how clearly you begin to see God's plans.  And because I suspect that some might wonder about my other grandchildren's frames.... here they are!

Jesus, thank you for loving us so much that you have a distinct plan and purpose for each of us.  Holy Spirit, remind us as we pray, of the exact things we need to pray.  Children are such a joy and blessing.  Help us to grasp the depth of your big picture.  Keep us out of the what ifs and whys.  Amen

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