Friday, December 31, 2021

Year end wrap up.... goodbye 2021

 What a year.  I think all of us are kind of glad to see 2021 go.  There were certainly some very good things in this year, but the constant ever present Covid just kind of put a damper on everything.  Right now things are not looking good on the Covid front.  The numbers are skyrocketing and things are shutting down - again.  But in spite of that, I am ending the year in a hopeful and happy place.  

As usual December was a busy, busy month.  In spite of some minor sickness (just common colds) and the rising Covid numbers, my family was able to gather and celebrate Christmas together.  

I am especially thankful for remembering to get photos of me with the adults and not just the kids this year.  I don't remember the last time I had a photo of me with Gwen and Doug.  As usual, we had a wonderful day together.  Even James cooperated and took a good nap, in spite of all the noise and commotion.  It was a day of fun, laughter and many memories made.  

I had several other wonderful surprises during this month.  While volunteering at the Operation Christmas Child processing center (which is only about 2 miles from my house) I actually got to meet Franklin Graham.  

He just happened to visit this center on the day that I volunteered.  I have been filling shoeboxes since 2014. I started doing these boxes in honor of my grandson Lucas,  shortly after his death.  Every year I fill each box for a little boy who might be close in age to Lucas.  I love praying that each box finds a boy that needs to hear that Jesus loves them.  This year (March of 2021) I actually heard back from a family that received one of the boxes I packed in 2019. 
This sweet little boy lives in Chili with his mother.  She wrote me a wonderful email thanking me for blessing her little boy.  They went to help center to get some necessary items and he was invited to attend a shoebox event.  You can see him holding the picture I included in all of our 2019 boxes.  It was so amazing to actually see what impact such a small gift can bring.   So meeting Franklin Graham and actually getting to once again touch hundreds of boxes, and pray for each of the children was an incredible start to my Christmas season.  

Then, one day in the flood of packages that arrived at my door, I received an "unknown" package.  You know, the one where you hold it in your hand and wonder, "Now what did I order?"  Well, this package remains a mystery since STILL no one has claimed to be the sender
This lovely scarf has all seven of my grandchildren's names listed over and over.  I love that this includes Lucas (who can so easily be forgotten by others - but is never forgotten by family).  It was sent by someone who knew that blue is my favorite color.  I just love this mystery gift so much!  I don't remember the last time I received a truly mystery present that has brought me so much joy.  I actually got to wear this scarf the other day when the weather changed (finally) to cold and snow.  It was such a comfort to find this scarf wrapped around my neck - just like being hugged by those special people.  

I finished off the month by going with Gwen and Lia to purchase new Pointe shoes for Lia.  The first pair of Pointe shoes that Lia has were now "dead".  Apparently that is what happens to well worn pointe shoes?  Lia actually pointed out how worn they were and showed me the marks made by running through the grass to get quickly on stage during their outdoor "Recital" (thanks to covid).  I learned so much about the fitting and wearing of pointe shoes that day.  It was most amazing to watch the mature, confident, young lady that Lia has become, interacting with the gal fitting her. 

 Sometimes I look at Lia and think, "Where was I when she grew up? How can she be this old?  I can't help but reflect on the powerful words and visions I had for her when she was just born.  She is a "little bird with a big voice".  A leader who will show her peers the right way to go.  
I made these name frames for each of my grandchildren, from the words that I was given to pray for them, even before they were born.  I love watching each of them grow into the things that Jesus showed me for them.  As I watch Lia, I can see this just come to life.  I can't wait to see what is ahead for her.  

Over the last few weeks I have been working on the frame for James.  Because I have not yet given it to Doug and Susie, I won't share it - yet.  But It has been part of my December this year and remembering Lia's frame has just made the construction of Jimmy's frame that much more special.  So...look for a future blog about James!

The Lord has been so good to me!  That phrase just rolls around and around in my head.  This has been a year of firsts in missing Ken.  This was the second Christmas without him.  Our family has been lamenting that we have not been able to plan our trip to Florida to fulfill Ken's wishes to have his ashes scattered at Casey Key.  It has been a frustrating time,  deciding when we could all travel and then trying to find a place that could actually fit all of us!  I have spent literally HOURS searching VRBO and  AirBnB trying to find something that would work.  I have messaged and called countless hosts trying to find something.  Around Thanksgiving one particular host called me and told me to wait until after Christmas.  She said that often people cancel reservations that week, before the year ends and often weeks open up.  So, I waited.  And then a miracle happened.  This place emailed me that they had three weeks open up... One in early May, 2022.  
It was almost to good to be true.  It is on Casey Key.  It has enough beds for all of us.  It has a pool and is steps from the beach.  It even has a pier for fishing.  Really more than we hoped for.  So, at last, our trip is set.  I think that we all breathed a sigh of relief.  I know that we have all needed this last piece of closure.  This trip would make Ken very happy.  We will all be together at his very best happy place, Casey Key.  It will be a wonderful way to remember Ken.  

This was really a great way to end 2021.  This trip seemed impossible for so long and now it is on the horizon.  I am so thankful for the many answers to prayer and the joy and hope that are filling my life.  It's been such a wonderful December.  I can't wait to see what is ahead in 2022.  I don't usually do "New Years Resolutions" but this year I am.  I have decided to 
*Pray more and worry less
*Sing more and sigh less
*Praise more and complain less
I can't think of a better way to start a new year.  Yes, Covid is still here and most likely will be all through 2022.  There are many things that could make this year hard.  But with these resolutions in the front of my mind, it is going to be a great year.  This world wide pandemic has gotten to all of us.  I hear so much fear from even those who know Jesus. This is a time to remember that 

You dear children are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. 1John 4:4

Also, I have been continually reminded to start each day, putting on the full armor of God.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Therefore put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.  Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.  In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.   Ephesians 6:11-17

*Belt of truth.... we all need truth!  Not what we hear/see on the internet.  TRUTH
Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life"
*The breastplate of righteousness - covers our heart to keep our emotions in check.  
*We can walk in the good news of the Gospel that Jesus has won the battle!
*We have the shield of faith that protects us from whatever the enemy throws our way.
*Most importantly, we have our heads - our minds- covered in the helmet of salvation.  Because of this, we can think clearly
*Finally, we have the offensive weapon of the sword of the Spirit.  We have the word of God available to us.  

It is my hope that you will be blessed by the reminders I have just shared.  In these uncertain times, it is good to be firmly planted in the truth.  So, dear friends, follow with me in hope and joy as we walk confidently into 2022!  

Jesus, thank you for all the reminders you have given to help me stand during the last years of change and transition.  Holy Spirit, bring these words to life for those who are seeing this post.  Give us all courage to acknowledge your help and your presence in our daily life.  Thank you Jesus for all the wonderful good times I had in December.  Amen

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