Thursday, June 27, 2024

Doing a "Mission Trip" another way....

I had the wonderful opportunity to spend a week with Zeke and Anna while Gwen, Tim, Lia and Ellie went on their yearly Boulder Mission Trip.  This photo is the only one I have of the three of us together.  We ate several meals out, but I didn't remember to take a picture! This year was special since it was Zeke's last year with Grandma since he will be ON the Boulder Mission Trip next year!  It is hard being the youngest and Anna was really feeling it during this week.  I can totally understand since I was the youngest of five siblings!  Anna and Zeke spend a lot of time together since they are home schooled.  This year, at thirteen, Zeke has been spending less time with Anna and more time with friends and video games.  We made the very most of our time together.  

The week started off with a very special treat for me - Anna danced at the Grayslake Art Show.  I got to watch the Spotlight dancers - up close!  They dance outside on a community patio.  This was the first time that Anna danced without Ellie or Lia being there also.  The weather was good and she did an amazing job.

 The Spotlight show was Barbie themed and the final dance was "Weird Barbie".  Watching this dance up close sure made it easier to actually find the dancer you were looking for! 
It was especially nice to have such a close up view of the lovely costumes.  I told Miss Bridget after the performance how much I loved seeing all the costumes up close!  She replied, "Thanks, I made them myself!" (Which of course she didn't but she has a hand in choosing them for sure.)  I always appreciate how modest and beautiful all the costumes are at this studio.  

We had a couple of cooler, rainy days that did not make for good pool time.  But the rest of the days, I was in that pool!  I love to swim and Zeke and Anna also love the pool.  Gwen gave them a really neat pool lacrosse set that was well used!  

There were lots of board games and card games played over this week.  The kids had gotten a new card game called "Blink" and there were many, many rounds of this fast-paced game!

I took the kids bowling and we also went to see the movie Garfield.  I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie!  The kids wanted me to bowl, but I didn't want to strain any muscles, so I let them each bowl an extra game!  While I used to love bowling, it has been years since I have bowled!

This week usually includes several crafts and activities and this year was no different.  Anna had gotten a sticker by number book and created this really cute beagle picture, which does look just like Sunny and Chandler!
Zeke and Anna also got a Marbled Art project which included a really interesting solution that allows the paint to float on the surface of the water.  You then place the paper right on the water and transfer your designs.  I enjoy watching the kids try out some new crafts every year.
Anna and I took some early morning walks with Sunny down by their lake.  It was really perfect weather the first few days.  I really enjoyed being by the lake.

The pussy willows and wild flowers were lovely and surprisingly, there were not many cicadas by their house.  With all the woods around, I was surprised at that.  We sure heard them in neighboring areas, but it was all quiet by their house!  I am not used to so much "wild life" around and one night while letting the dogs out before bed, we discovered a herd of deer in their back yard!  They have several mulberry bushes and trees and the deer come right up to grab a snack!  Sunny was not very happy about that!  The deer didn't even move with her barking, but just continued to eat!

We found a new place fairly close by that has a mini golf course.  Zeke asked if his friend Robert could come, so the three kids golfed 18 holes!  We picked a good day, since it wasn't terribly hot.  Robert actually won and got a free game to use in the future!

We had to go Riverside Chocolates for ice cream!  This is a standard stop anytime Grandma is in charge!  They have the most outstanding ice cream anywhere around.  The kids love their milk shakes so much.  

On Friday night (the last night of our time together), I took them roller skating.  Anna doesn't have much of a chance to practice skating, but by the end of the night, she was doing well.  Zeke loves it and said that he would like to go every week! 
Saturday morning before the Mission Trippers arrived home, Anna begged to go to a playground.  Zeke feels that he is just a bit old for this activity, but I insisted we visit the "Fake Grass" park near their home.  
The fact that we only went to one playground is evidence of the passage of time.  Usually we would go to a different park each day.  As Anna was lamenting that next year she would not have anyone to bowl, skate, or swim with, I reminded her that we could do all the activities that she wanted!  And she could invite friends!  So, it didn't seem like such a bad thing to be alone with Grandma after that.  

These yearly mission trip times with the kids have been a big part of my life since 2008.  I look forward to this time and actually view it as my own mission trip.  The concentrated time I get to spend with the kids is wonderful.  But more than that, it allows Gwen and Tim to serve and lead without worrying about the kids at home.  They have such servant hearts and being able to support them, behind the scene so to speak, is meaningful for me.  The many youth (and now adults) that they have mentored and influenced and guided into service for Jesus is astonishing.  As well as the many children/families/adults that have been shown the love of Jesus through their caring work.  I was blessed to "be Gwen" on Sunday morning, leading Boulder (junior high/senior high) students during the education hour (Gwen's usual job).  These kids simply can not wait to be old enough to actually GO on this yearly mission trip which is for high schoolers only.  Because they are so excited to serve, in just a few weeks, I will actually have just Anna during the Boulder Junior High Mission Trip! (Zeke will be on this one)  This is a local experience, lead by the high school students!  It is a picture of mentoring at its best and gives the younger kids a taste of missions.  I am thankful that I get to have a small part in this service that impacts people and places for Jesus.  

Jesus, thank you for the willingness of the youth and adults who serve on this Mission tip.  Holy Spirit, continue to bring connection and change to those children and adults that were impacted by this week of service at Good Samaritan Ministries in East St. Louis, Illinois.  Water the seeds that were sown and bring encouragement to the families who are in places of great need.  Jesus, thank you for meeting the youth and speaking clearly to them as they grow in relationship with you.  Holy Spirit, help us all to see every day as mission opportunity to bring the love of Jesus to those around us.  Amen

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Celebrating Lia's Graduation!

 What a wonderful day celebrating Lia's graduation from High School!  Lia had planned this entire event and it was truly a memorable occasion.  The event was held at Fellowship of Faith, which was a wise move considering the large crowd that attended!  Each of the special areas were designed and planned by Lia.  First, was the welcome table with a photo frame to sign and her special Bible that she requested highlighting of special verses! 

This is such a great idea!  So many people signed this photo mat and this will be a wonderful keepsake for Lia in the years ahead.  There  were so many special Bible verses highlighted and Lia will be able to read and reflect on these every time she opens this Bible.  Next she had a table with all information about Lindenwood University where she will be attending this fall. 
I especially loved the pallet display with special photos of Lia and her friends.  Such a cute idea and the photos can be changed out in the future.    She did a display of all of her first day of school pictures!

This certainly gave a great shot of Lia from 2 year old preschool all the way to her campus visit at Lindenwood!  And then there were all of her dance pictures from each of the 15 dance recitals!

Lia even included her costume from her first recital and one from the last recital!  What a great walk down memory lane!  Lia had decorated each of the 14 tables with a two sided photo holder and had selected favorite pictures!
I found this special picture she picked of us!  It was so fun to go around and look at all of the photos that she picked out.  

Everything about the day was wonderful.  Food, fellowship, family and friends and getting to celebrate Lia.  As I look back now and reflect on this day, the first thought I have is that this is just the beginning of the graduations for our family.  All I can think about is just how blessed I am!  I am so thankful to be able to spend time with all of my grandchildren and really get to know them. Some of my friends do not have the chance to do this.  I will never take this for granted.  Every interaction with them is valuable and I am thankful to have photos to cement this memories for the future.  

There is so much ahead for Lia.  She is leaving home and going to school five hours away.  She will be leaving her family and everything familiar.  She is well prepared and ready for this challenge.  She has two years at their Community College under her belt.  Additionally she is firmly rooted in Jesus.  Her desire to show kindness and love to everyone around her and her heart to serve will certainly pave the way for her in the years ahead.  She has already been writing a beautiful story of her life that was displayed through the photos at this event.  I can't wait to see what the next chapter of her story will be!  

These transition times happen in so many ways.  For Gwen and Tim this is another first - the first of their kids leaving home for college.  It is the beginning of the empty nest that you just can't imagine when you bring home that new baby.  These 18 years are long in so many ways and so short in others.  As parents, you have total responsibility and control over that newborn and hopefully, by the time that they are 18, that job is done.  For a grandparent, the time seems to go by even quicker.  We get to be removed from all those sleepless nights and daily meltdowns.  But grandkids going away to college is still a big transition for grandparents.  I know that I will miss Lia but I am anxiously awaiting news of all the adventures that she is sure to have next year!

Would you please take a moment and pray for all these new college students?  Look around in your church or neighborhood and I'm sure you will find a few to pray for.  Pray for the parents who have to let go of these new "18 year old college freshmen".  Most of all, pray that the colleges and universities provide an education that will benefit these kids in the future.  Pray for caring, like minded friends and calm and safe campus'.  Also remember to continue to pray for these kids all year!  Pray also for all the grandmas and grandpas who are missing their precious grandkids!

Jesus, thank you so much for walking with us during all seasons of our life.  Holy Spirit, remind us to pray for all of these new college students.  Help us to stay connected to them, even when they are a long distance from home.  Jesus, give these kids who are new on campus, courage and boldness to stand up for their beliefs.  Holy Spirit, shower them with love, kindness, grace and mercy.  Amen

Friday, June 7, 2024

Lia is 18! How is that possible?


I can't believe that Lia is 18!  I just don't know where the time has gone.  As you know, this has been a crazy, busy month for our family and I couldn't figure out how we could have a time to celebrate Lia's birthday and graduation.  The perfect opportunity came after Jimmy's birthday party.  Gwen, Tim and the kids came to my house for dinner.  It was the perfect time to have our own celebration.  

Lia had asked for all very practical gifts of things she would need for her college dorm in the fall.  I was happy to help her check some items off of her list, including this rolling cart and a mattress topper (those dorm beds are not the most comfortable). Her list included several more lamps (I think between Christmas and now I have gifted her three lamps?)  I also had some special gifts that were following the pattern of the gifts that my mom gave to Gwen when she graduated!  I gifted her a "birthstone" emerald bracelet  (very delicate and small) and also a pair of diamond stud earrings (also very small).  

The day was complete with food from China House, which seems to be the favorite of lots of us!  We had such a good time just being together and looking at many photos of Lia growing up.  I was thinking about Lia's first birthday.  Ken and I came back a day early from vacation that year so we would not miss her party. You can guess where we were by our shirts!
There were so many firsts with Lia.  She was our first grandchild.  This was the first birthday celebration of a grandchild.  It would take me a long time to count how many of these birthday celebrations I have been to at this point.  Each one of these birthday's are just as special. I am incredibly grateful for the pictures I have that I can revisit these special memories.  That is one very big difference between Lia's generation and mine.  I have one small box of photos of my life.  Lia has computer files of thousands of pictures in her first 18 years.  I think that scrapbooking is so popular with people over the age of 50 because we just didn't have many photos of our early years.  So preserving the memories carries greater weight for us.  And just to finish off this birthday post, here is Lia and I at her birth!

I could not be more proud of this young women.  She has grown into a mature, loving and caring adult.  She works hard at all she does and follows through on her commitments.  I am so thankful that I have gotten to know her and be with her as she has grown up.  I cherish every conversation, every hug and every prayer we have shared.  I can't imagine what will be ahead for her in the next 18 years, but I pray that I have a spot on the sidelines, watching it unfold.  She loves Jesus and will follow His path for her above anything else. And that will make for a thrilling adventure for sure!  

Jesus, thank you for Lia and all that you have sown into her for the future.  Holy Spirit, empower her with everything that she needs as she walks into adulthood.  Give her courage and boldness to impact her generation with your love.  Jesus, give an extra measure of peace to Gwen and Tim as they watch Lia move ahead.  Jesus, help us all to accept the life transitions as we face them, no matter what age/stage we are in.  Thank you Jesus for children, for families, for grandchildren.  Amen


Another Birthday in the busy month of May... this time Jimmy!

Jimmy's third birthday came rolling in right before Memorial Day.  Susie and Doug decided to have his celebration on the Saturday of that weekend.  It made for a much quieter party since not many people pick the holiday weekend.  But it was fantastic!  The play place was empty except for us and the kids all had so much fun!  There were three different areas of play - a climbing playground, a sports field (complete with all the various balls and fun toys - even a parachute), and then a bounce house section.  The party ended in the party room for pizza and cake!  

The kids had an amazing time - even the big kids!  Anna and Zeke started racing on the sports field and pretty soon Lia and Ellie had joined in!   It was so much fun watching all the kids celebrate Jimmy.  While the day was warm and sunny, Doug and Susie had (smartly) opted for an indoor party, given the weather track record on Memorial Day weekend.  And it was a wise choice.

Sunday brought a steady rain and very cold temperatures.  It could have just as easily happened on Saturday, which made their party location a good decision.  Doug always likes to remember Ken and celebrate his birthday (which was on the 14th) by taking me to Ken's very favorite Barbeque place - Uncle Bubs.  
Ken loved this place so much and I think it was one of the last places we actually ate at after the Covid restrictions started to ease up a bit.  A love of  good barbeque is one of those things that Doug shard with Ken.  I love that we got to combine Jimmy's birthday and Ken's birthday with a trip here.  I love it is almost as much as Ken and Susie also loves it.  What a wonderful way to spend a rainy day.  After our fill (and lots of leftovers) we came back to my house and Jimmy opened his birthday presents from me!  They included his first "transformer" (car into robot) and the airplane Everest from Paw Patrol
This toddler safe transformer is really neat.  It is simple enough that it doesn't break easily, but also is a real transformer.  Jimmy loved it.  When you have a three year old boy, any car, truck, robot, airplane or rocket is a big hit!  
Jimmy is a busy, active, always running three year old.  His imagination is out of this world.  Spending time with him is like watching a series of movies happen and you are sometimes asked to play a part, even though you don't quite understand the plot!  With just a few sticks and a backyard to explore the story line goes from Batman (or Spiderman) out to capture some bad guys (usually one from the Spidey series), to Buzz Lightyear exploring the universe and discovering a robot that is chasing him.   This week the added storyline included a Danny go "Floor is Lava" event that required me to keep my feet off of the ground!   It is so much fun for sure!  This grandma is tired when the day is over!   He helped me clean and organize some of this toys this week.  He loved to sort his cars by size which brought us hours of fun. He is such a loving little guy, who runs to greet me when I arrive. He knows me so well and the first task of the day is helping me make my coffee!   I can't believe he is already three and will soon be starting preschool.  I really don't know where the time goes!

While Jimmy carries Ken's name (James Kenneth Rowley), it is sad that he will never know him.  Grace has lots of memories of Ken and often talks about him.  I can't wait to share memories of Ken with Jimmy as he gets older.  People often ask me if he reminds me of Doug at this age.  Sadly, Doug was so sick at this point that he didn't have the energy to run around.  I do think that if his health would have been different, Doug would have been a lot like Jimmy.  In some ways, I can sure see Doug.  For your viewing pleasure - Doug at three!

He got the "real" bike for his third birthday and the bottom picture was taken at my Dad's funeral.  Doug was just one month over three years old!  So yes, I think you can see the resemblance!  

Most of all, I pray that Jimmy would grow into exactly who Jesus has created him to be!  I believe that his energy and curiosity will help him to explore new things and new ways of doing things in the future.  His determination will help him overcome obstacles and his persistence will keep him from giving up when things are difficult.   The favorite song that he still asks me to sing is what he calls the "whole world" song.  It is the old Sunday School favorite, "He's got the whole world in His hands".  It is my continued prayer that Jimmy would know that God has him in his hand and that Jesus loves him!

Jesus, thank you for little boys and their boundless energy.  Holy Spirit, continue to draw Jimmy into a relationship with Jesus.  Remind us all to continue to pray for the children around us.  Help us to see them through your eyes, Jesus.  Holy Spirit empower us to love and to care for all the children - those we are close to, those who are far away, those who have no one, those who are hungry and those who are sick.  Thank you for your plans and purposes for children!  Amen