Thursday, June 20, 2024

Celebrating Lia's Graduation!

 What a wonderful day celebrating Lia's graduation from High School!  Lia had planned this entire event and it was truly a memorable occasion.  The event was held at Fellowship of Faith, which was a wise move considering the large crowd that attended!  Each of the special areas were designed and planned by Lia.  First, was the welcome table with a photo frame to sign and her special Bible that she requested highlighting of special verses! 

This is such a great idea!  So many people signed this photo mat and this will be a wonderful keepsake for Lia in the years ahead.  There  were so many special Bible verses highlighted and Lia will be able to read and reflect on these every time she opens this Bible.  Next she had a table with all information about Lindenwood University where she will be attending this fall. 
I especially loved the pallet display with special photos of Lia and her friends.  Such a cute idea and the photos can be changed out in the future.    She did a display of all of her first day of school pictures!

This certainly gave a great shot of Lia from 2 year old preschool all the way to her campus visit at Lindenwood!  And then there were all of her dance pictures from each of the 15 dance recitals!

Lia even included her costume from her first recital and one from the last recital!  What a great walk down memory lane!  Lia had decorated each of the 14 tables with a two sided photo holder and had selected favorite pictures!
I found this special picture she picked of us!  It was so fun to go around and look at all of the photos that she picked out.  

Everything about the day was wonderful.  Food, fellowship, family and friends and getting to celebrate Lia.  As I look back now and reflect on this day, the first thought I have is that this is just the beginning of the graduations for our family.  All I can think about is just how blessed I am!  I am so thankful to be able to spend time with all of my grandchildren and really get to know them. Some of my friends do not have the chance to do this.  I will never take this for granted.  Every interaction with them is valuable and I am thankful to have photos to cement this memories for the future.  

There is so much ahead for Lia.  She is leaving home and going to school five hours away.  She will be leaving her family and everything familiar.  She is well prepared and ready for this challenge.  She has two years at their Community College under her belt.  Additionally she is firmly rooted in Jesus.  Her desire to show kindness and love to everyone around her and her heart to serve will certainly pave the way for her in the years ahead.  She has already been writing a beautiful story of her life that was displayed through the photos at this event.  I can't wait to see what the next chapter of her story will be!  

These transition times happen in so many ways.  For Gwen and Tim this is another first - the first of their kids leaving home for college.  It is the beginning of the empty nest that you just can't imagine when you bring home that new baby.  These 18 years are long in so many ways and so short in others.  As parents, you have total responsibility and control over that newborn and hopefully, by the time that they are 18, that job is done.  For a grandparent, the time seems to go by even quicker.  We get to be removed from all those sleepless nights and daily meltdowns.  But grandkids going away to college is still a big transition for grandparents.  I know that I will miss Lia but I am anxiously awaiting news of all the adventures that she is sure to have next year!

Would you please take a moment and pray for all these new college students?  Look around in your church or neighborhood and I'm sure you will find a few to pray for.  Pray for the parents who have to let go of these new "18 year old college freshmen".  Most of all, pray that the colleges and universities provide an education that will benefit these kids in the future.  Pray for caring, like minded friends and calm and safe campus'.  Also remember to continue to pray for these kids all year!  Pray also for all the grandmas and grandpas who are missing their precious grandkids!

Jesus, thank you so much for walking with us during all seasons of our life.  Holy Spirit, remind us to pray for all of these new college students.  Help us to stay connected to them, even when they are a long distance from home.  Jesus, give these kids who are new on campus, courage and boldness to stand up for their beliefs.  Holy Spirit, shower them with love, kindness, grace and mercy.  Amen

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