Friday, June 7, 2024

Lia is 18! How is that possible?


I can't believe that Lia is 18!  I just don't know where the time has gone.  As you know, this has been a crazy, busy month for our family and I couldn't figure out how we could have a time to celebrate Lia's birthday and graduation.  The perfect opportunity came after Jimmy's birthday party.  Gwen, Tim and the kids came to my house for dinner.  It was the perfect time to have our own celebration.  

Lia had asked for all very practical gifts of things she would need for her college dorm in the fall.  I was happy to help her check some items off of her list, including this rolling cart and a mattress topper (those dorm beds are not the most comfortable). Her list included several more lamps (I think between Christmas and now I have gifted her three lamps?)  I also had some special gifts that were following the pattern of the gifts that my mom gave to Gwen when she graduated!  I gifted her a "birthstone" emerald bracelet  (very delicate and small) and also a pair of diamond stud earrings (also very small).  

The day was complete with food from China House, which seems to be the favorite of lots of us!  We had such a good time just being together and looking at many photos of Lia growing up.  I was thinking about Lia's first birthday.  Ken and I came back a day early from vacation that year so we would not miss her party. You can guess where we were by our shirts!
There were so many firsts with Lia.  She was our first grandchild.  This was the first birthday celebration of a grandchild.  It would take me a long time to count how many of these birthday celebrations I have been to at this point.  Each one of these birthday's are just as special. I am incredibly grateful for the pictures I have that I can revisit these special memories.  That is one very big difference between Lia's generation and mine.  I have one small box of photos of my life.  Lia has computer files of thousands of pictures in her first 18 years.  I think that scrapbooking is so popular with people over the age of 50 because we just didn't have many photos of our early years.  So preserving the memories carries greater weight for us.  And just to finish off this birthday post, here is Lia and I at her birth!

I could not be more proud of this young women.  She has grown into a mature, loving and caring adult.  She works hard at all she does and follows through on her commitments.  I am so thankful that I have gotten to know her and be with her as she has grown up.  I cherish every conversation, every hug and every prayer we have shared.  I can't imagine what will be ahead for her in the next 18 years, but I pray that I have a spot on the sidelines, watching it unfold.  She loves Jesus and will follow His path for her above anything else. And that will make for a thrilling adventure for sure!  

Jesus, thank you for Lia and all that you have sown into her for the future.  Holy Spirit, empower her with everything that she needs as she walks into adulthood.  Give her courage and boldness to impact her generation with your love.  Jesus, give an extra measure of peace to Gwen and Tim as they watch Lia move ahead.  Jesus, help us all to accept the life transitions as we face them, no matter what age/stage we are in.  Thank you Jesus for children, for families, for grandchildren.  Amen


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