Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Lineage and Legacy...........and love

For some reason today, I just kept thinking about my mom.  It is really interesting when this happens.  It seems to come out of nowhere and then suddenly I am thinking about how much I miss her.  This picture was taken in the 1990's (I would have to do some serious looking to find out the exact date).  She has been gone now for almost 5 years but it some ways, it seems like just yesterday I was talking to her on the phone.  The interesting thing is that there is no special "date trigger" or event that has brought her to my mind.  I just woke up thinking about her and she has been on my mind all day.  A couple weeks ago Gwen and I were talking about her, kind of out of the blue.  The previous day Lia had commented to Gwen that these cookies........
reminded her of the cookies that Great Grandma Nona always had at her house.  The cookies Lia was talking about were actually Vienna Fingers, but these taste a lot like them.  It was so good to know that Lia really remembers mom and that these memories, most likely, will not go away.  And I am especially glad that it is the little things that Lia remembers.  

It was interesting, that one the conversations at my small group today was our lineage and legacy.  One of my friends had gotten a new book by Bobby Conner Lineage-Line and Legacy after hearing him speak at a conference last week.   Our discussion today reminded me of all of the ways that my mom has left a legacy for me and for my children and grandchildren.  There is wisdom in thinking about this topic and setting our sights on the kind of legacy that we want to leave - not only for our family but also for the Kingdom!  The title of this book really struck me also because of this..
I think I have blogged about these very special name frames that I have created for each of my grandchildren.  Each one contains a prophetic message that was given to me especially for them.  This is Anna's frame.  The message for her was very clear and very simple.... her life was a legacy of love and is in the lineage of the King of Kings!  Her destiny includes bringing the kingdom of heaven to earth!  When I was on my way home from group today, I was thinking about this frame.  I am so thankful that part of my legacy.....through Anna..... is LOVE!  There is nothing better or greater than that.  If Anna only leaves a legacy of love in this world, that would be enough.  And isn't that really what God's kingdom is all about?  All over the world, people pray the Lord's prayer every day.  We teach it to young children.  
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.  
Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.
For yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory, forever.  Amen

God is LOVE and that is His kingdom! All of us are charged with leaving a legacy of love to the world.  With all of the political drama going on right now, it is difficult to see the love.  But as Christians, we need to keep our focus on what is really important.  And today, more than any other day, sharing love with our families, with our neighbors AND with those with whom we don't agree! Love.  It is that simple.  A wonderful legacy.

My mom left that legacy.  A wonderful, sweet legacy of love that will be carried on into her generations.  And I am so thankful that Lia will remember that love.

Jesus, thank you for memories and pictures and books that point the way to your truths each day.  Thank you for your great love for us that brought you here to the earth and to the cross.  Holy Spirit, nudge us every day when we need to share your love with others.  Help us to know your love for us. Amen 

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