Thursday, September 22, 2016

Sometimes you just have to stop.......

Okay, it is Thursday.  And what a Thursday it has been.  I really didn't have much on my calendar for today, so it seemed like it was just going to be a slow day.  Then I started to get a flood of text messages from my prayer group.  It started early this morning.  Lots of prayer needs.  Lots of specific devotions and/or thoughts from my friends.  And this trend lasted for most of the day!  Every couple of minutes it seemed that I was getting another text with another prayer request.  And Facebook was no different!  So my Thursday became a day of prayer.  Which is never a bad thing!

During my minutes between texts and prayers, I have been trying to straighten out a few boxes of pictures that are not filed properly in my Scrap room.  I found this picture of Gwen at two and a half and could not stop looking at it.
I couldn't find a really good picture of Anna, but let me tell you that Anna looks so much like Gwen it is unreal!   
Anna makes that same face as Gwen in the picture, but I couldn't find a recent picture of her doing it. It is already the grandma/mothers curse that I manage to call all of the kids by the wrong name.  But I have found myself called Anna -Gwen quite often!   And notice in the picture of Gwen she is wearing a necklace.  She insisted on wearing one of mine to have her picture taken.  On Monday Anna had found a necklace of Ellie's and she insisted on putting it on.  I was really sorry that I didn't take her picture on Monday.  Just take my word for it, Anna looks an awful lot like her mom. These pictures sure helped me into a place of great thanksgiving and praise, during a time when I was flooded with so many great needs.  And it was just what my heart needed.  

At some point during the texting that was happening, I realized that all of my dear prayer friends seem to be having some prayer need pop up today.  We had a marvelous time together yesterday in worship and prayer and sharing.  And then today, each of us is slammed back in the world with some kind of trouble.  And in the midst of this, I saw this post from The Passion Translation..........

I hear His whisper … “I give you strength as you give Me time”
The moments that you spend with Me and listen to Me are moments filled with eternity. There is no weakness, no wavering, no doubting in My presence. This is where I energize your being. Many influences have affected your life and your thoughts, but as you come into My glory I lavish upon you what you need the most: My love and My strength. You are so easily distracted and disturbed, so you must faithfully come and be with Me.
The peace I bring to you is not comparable to the peace known on earth. It transcends your mortal life and streams to you from My river of tranquility that pours forth from My throne of grace. Peace like a river will subdue your soul and wash away the words of hopelessness and pain. Come into My river of peace and float on My promises. There you will never be disappointed. Listen to Me and peace will be your pillow on which to rest your anxious thoughts. In My love you are able to do all things, for I strengthen you with My love.
People will make demands on your time and your thoughts, but I wait for you to come and draw you closer when you choose Me above your friends and family. Come as My dearest one, and I will give you grace for your dearest ones on earth, so you may show them My love.
When you give Me your time, I give you My strength. Are you feeling weak today? Then come before Me until you are bathed in power. No human being can empower you, for their weapons are puny and helpless. Trust in My strength, not in the affirmation of others. Watch Me work in your heart as you “waste” your time in My presence. I will pour you out upon the earth as My gift and My treasure, full of My love.
Psalm 27:4, 8
"Here’s the one thing I crave from God,
the one thing I seek above all else:
I want the privilege of living with him every moment in his house,
finding the sweet loveliness of his face,
filled with awe, delighting in his glory and grace.
I want to live my life so close to him
that he takes pleasure in my every prayer. …
Lord, when you said to me, “Seek my face,”
my inner being responded:
I’m seeking your face with all my heart."

I am so glad that I spent this day the way that I did!  It is so good to know that Jesus hears our prayers and he cares about all those needs.  If you are feeling overwhelmed and weighed down by your own concerns or those of other people, come away with me and spend time with Jesus.  It will not be time wasted!  If you are feeling weak, know that Jesus has strength for it all.  Rest in that assurance.  Won't you join me today and just stop... and seek Him?

Jesus, thank you for this day of prayer and praise.  Thank you for knowing that I needed time away from the concerns to turn to thankfulness and praise.  Holy Spirit, remind us all that we need to seek Jesus when things seem difficult and heavy.  Thank you for friends that stand with us in prayer.  Amen

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