Friday, February 2, 2018

One year old cutie pie and a "senior citizen"!

Yesterday was this sweet little Grace's FIRST birthday!  I had the pleasure of spending the day with her while her mommy and daddy work.  I tried all day to get a cute picture, but when you are one year old you are either asleep or constantly on the move - or eating.  This was the best of the blurry pictures that I captured on my phone.  At any rate, we had a really fun day of play.  She is not quite walking by herself, but she can cruise really fast and crawl like a streak.  Doug and Susie have a really interesting gate setup in their larger than a doorway opening to the family room.  The problem with this larger gate is that the dogs have figured out how to push the gate aside to get into the family room.  So Grace, being the smarty pants that she is, watched the dogs and now pushes the gate aside to get OUT of the family room!  So I spent a large part of the day trying to keep the dogs OUT and trying to keep Grace IN!  The funny thing is that she high tails it directly to the dog bed and toys in the living room when she escapes and the dogs high tail directly to Grace's high chair (hoping to find a stray cheerio on the floor) when they get into the family room.

Here it is, another birthday of a grandbaby and I can't help but reflect in a somewhat similar way on Grace as I did to Anna on her birthday just a few days ago.
This is the "name frame" that I completed for Grace.  These words represent the picture that Jesus gave me before she was born for the plan and destiny for her.  I had a really interesting dream that was sort of like Jack and the Beanstalk.  I saw a large vine extending up to heaven. All of the treasures of heaven would be available through Grace.  And just like Jack in that tale, Grace would he able to fight the giants in the land with a weapon of joy and through song.  I saw her worshiping from the top of that vine, with songs that reached all over earth.    And here she is one year old.  I can tell you that this sweet little girl loves everything musical.  She will dance to any little bit of music she hears.  It is really clear that music is in her blood.  There is no doubt to our family, that she has brought joy and laughter to us.  Grace almost always has a smile on her face.   And she has a large group of people that love her.  When we most needed it, Grace brought hope to our family.  I can't wait to see her destiny play out in the years ahead.  

This has been a week of birthdays.  Grace actually shares a birthday with my sister Karen, who would have been 80 years old yesterday.  Sadly, Karen died in 2007 and I've found that I seem to miss her more each year.  I've been missing my mom also these days.  Along with Ken's retirement, I have just been "feeling" old.  At my small group this past week, we talked about how important it was to know and remember that our life is not over because we are over 60.  It is so easy to fall into the trap that there is nothing left for you to do or accomplish as a senior citizen. We talked about finding ways to discover purpose for the years ahead.  I am so thankful for the time that I get to spend with my kids and grandchildren.  Getting a chance to really know them, to know how to pray for them and to have time to enjoy them and be an influence in their lives, is a wonderful part of my purpose.  The key to finding this purpose is to remember that we are always moving forward into the future, therefore, our purpose can and will change.  In other words, DON'T GET STUCK!  Keep moving forward.  

So, there is Grace at 1 year old - with so much ahead for her.  And here I am, over 60 with so much ahead for me.  Yes, birthday's are a great time to celebrate the time that has past and look ahead to the future.  I am thankful for the reminder that it is good to keep looking ahead.  

No matter where you are in you life - young or old - single or married - celebrate!  This day is what we have been given.  Live your life with purpose.  Make a difference where you are.  Smile and laugh.  Make today count.  Walk forward with confidence into tomorrow.  

Jesus, what a wonderful and amazing God you are.  You shower us with your grace and peace and fill us with your love.  Holy Spirit, help us to be present in our life each day.  Remind us to be grateful for the small blessings.  Thank you Jesus for Grace and the destiny you have for her.  Amen

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