Wednesday, April 10, 2019

National Sibling Day.....

I have seen so many posts today about National Sibling Day and I was trying to figure out exactly what I wanted to share about my siblings!  I decided to share this photo since it clearly shows the wide age spacing of my siblings.  This was Christmas 1955 and I am that little 15 month old sitting on the stool.  This photo was also taken at a house that the rest of my siblings would say was their "childhood" home.  I, on the other hand, really don't have any memories of this house since we moved when I was just 3 years old.  The house, in Watertown, South Dakota, is now gone and the lot is the current Post Office.   I never got to visit that house to try to recall memories, but I am thankful for the many stories shared by my mom and siblings.  So I feel as if I "know" that house. 

If I had to list first "childhood memories" of my siblings it might look something like this....

Karen - my first real memories of Karen are preparing for her wedding.  I was in Kindergarten and it seemed very exciting to me.  She had moved back home from college and she had lots of really amazing jewelry. 

Jerry -  my first memory of Jerry is his Ham radio set up in the basement of our home when I was 6 years old. He had post cards around a world map from people he had talked to all over the world. 

Julie -  I remember her "room" in an upstairs hallway when I was 4 years old.  She had pictures of horses all over the wall.  And she had a special doll that I was not allowed to touch!

Greg -  He was a cub scout and my mom was the pack leader.  I went with on many trips to the hobby store and also on the many field trips they took.  I remember the blue and gold banquet when I was 4.

I was thinking about the last time that we spent any time together. It was in 2005....
and it was for mom's 90th birthday.  It is really a shame, that as adults we did not purpose to spend more time together.  I often only saw my siblings while visiting my mom!  Being busy with our own families, living far away from each other seem like just silly excuses now.  Sadly, my sister Karen died in 2007.   And truthfully, I haven't seen my brother Greg since mom's funeral in 2011 and I last saw Jerry in 2011 at Doug and Susie's wedding. I also saw my sister Karen's husband, Roy, at their wedding.   I saw Julie at the wedding of one of her granddaughters in 2015.  So there you have it.... weddings and funerals.  The only time that we have managed to get together. 

I am always kind of envious when I hear my friends talk about being together with their siblings.  As a matter of fact, one of my good friends and her sister are part of my small group!  It would be nice to be able to have an impromptu gathering that included my siblings.  I am most sad that my siblings really don't know my children or grandchildren very well.  They have only spent a limited amount of time with them.  And it makes me sad to think that Lia and Ellie can not learn how to make Lefse from Karen.  Or that Doug never got to talk with Jerry about Ham radio. (Doug actually had his Ham license when he was in middle school!)  If Julie lived closer, she might be able to help Ellie learn how to sew.  Zeke has the potential to be some kind of engineer and I know he would love talking with Greg and Jerry or Roy.   And I am sad that I never had the chance to be really close with any of my nieces (no nephews- Doug was the only Grandson) and their children.  Certainly a hazard of the times.

So when people ask me if I am "close" with my siblings, I have to say no.... not really.  I am glad that Julie and I keep in touch via facebook and phone.  But again, I miss having her just across town. Or even in the same state!   I am feeling  blessed that I spent many hours listening to my mom share her stories of each of my siblings. I am also thankful that I did spend some time with each of them as an adult. 

So on National Sibling Day, I am feeling blessed to be a part of the family that God gave me.  While my situation may seem very different than yours, I know that there is a plan and purpose for the exact family that I have.  While I may not have a traditionally close relationship with my siblings, I know that there is a common heritage in each of us.  Our lives may look very different, we may live in different states and have very different likes and dislikes, but we are connected to each other.  Our shared ancestry and the heritage and spiritual legacy that has been sown into our family, continue into the future. 

Jesus, thank you for my siblings and my mom and dad.  You had a plan for me that included the exact family I am in.  Holy Spirit, bring comfort to anyone that is missing their siblings.  Give us all those reminders to connect or reconnect with anyone that is distant from us.  Jesus help us to remember that each day may be our last chance to make amends or share love with someone.  Your plan was always for families to be an expression of your love for us.  Thank you for that great love.  Amen

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