Sunday, May 5, 2019

Easter spring finally here?

Just gotta love this picture of Ken and I with all of our wonderful grandchildren on Easter.  There is just something about these special times that makes my heart so happy!  I love that I can put the yearly Easter pictures side by side and watch the kids grow up.  The girls dresses had butterfly's - a perfect Easter symbol of resurrection.  We had a wonderful day together.  It was a sunny and warm day, perfect for an outdoor egg hunt.  A great dinner was followed up with a trip to the local playground.  Susie snapped this "selfie" of our entire group!
I love that Gracie and Ellie are wearing bunny ears headband from their Easter baskets and Zeke has on his sunglasses from his basket and so does Lia!. So much fun and so many wonderful memories to capture and hold on to. 

Taking the time to capture these moments is just what my current Bible Study is encouraging me to do!  The problem for me is so many memories and so little time to actually capture them in writing!
In just a couple of weeks since Easter we have had two snowstorm/ winter storm warnings.  What?? Doesn't it look like spring in these pictures?  Yep, but if you live in Chicago, the weather can turn on a dime.  And this year, it did.  Add to the snow, we have had days and days of rain that have led to major flooding. The temperatures have been mostly in the 40's.  None of this has helped it feel much like spring.  I have been telling Ken that I am going to put away my winter snow boots.  But he has cautioned me against doing so. Yesterday I finally decided to take a chance and put them in the back of the closet.  Hopefully, spring is finally here and there will be no more snow for us.  Because Spring has seemed so far off, I am capturing every little moment!  This week the rain finally ended and our tree began to bloom.

Our yard is filled with the heavenly aroma of apple blossoms.  Yesterday the tree was covered with bees.  There had to be hundreds on our tree.  I stood there for a moment and just appreciated nature and the provision that God had so artfully designed.  I could almost taste some of that honey!  Those bees are endangered and so needed to pollinate our food supply.  Yes, this was a little moment that I captured.

Another special moment in these last few days.  A trip to the Chicago Botanic Garden and so many wonderful blooms everywhere.  I especially loved this cascade of purple blooms (I failed to get the name).  They just look so happy to me - so hopeful.  Sitting in the garden, surrounded by the colorful flowers all around me, hearing the birds chirping, and the frogs singing their songs, it was possible to think that winter has past and the springtime has come.  Even as I typed those words, I was singing Dance with Me by Paul Wilbur.  You can hear those words around 2:15 in that song.  I love that older worship song.  It is a great reminder for us to take time to "dance" with Jesus and to reflect on the the hope and expectation we can all have when we realize the cold darkness we once lived in, those times of despair and heartache can be eased when we spend time getting close to Jesus.  I don't think it is an accident that Easter is a springtime celebration.  The resurrection of Jesus is the ultimate springtime event.  He put an end to our winter and brought us into His glorious springtime of new life.    I am so thankful to be recording these lovely moments right now so that I do not forget them!  Happy Spring!

Jesus, thank you for trees and flowers and buzzing bees and family fun moments. Holy Spirit, remind us all to keep track of the small things that bring us hope and love and faith.  Thank you Jesus, that you will say yes when I stop and ask for a dance.  Thank you Jesus for your love.  Amen

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