Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Mothers Day.... from my current perspective

I have been thinking about this post for a couple of weeks.  With Mother's Day approaching, there has been a flood of commercials, store displays and floral reminders that mom's need to be thanked and/or appreciated on this one day.  I decided to begin this blog with pictures of my special babies that made me a mom.  Gwen was two months old in the first picture.  It was actually taken on July 4th and although you can't tell (because the picture was very faded by the time we scanned it) her outfit was blue with red trim.  Perfect for that day.  I also managed to miss blogging for her (gasp) 40th birthday last Saturday.  Somehow I feel as if I aged more than a few years myself on that day.  It is hard to not feel really old when you have a 40 year old!  The second picture is Doug at three months.  Again, really faded but Gwen actually picked out his outfit for the picture.  She loved the clown and I remember she was very specific that he should wear this because it was yellow and yellow was happy.  One thing is certain, I could not be more thankful for these two special people!  

I know that I am one of the "fortunate ones" - those moms that get to see their grown, adult children often.  As a matter of fact, I actually see both of my kids at least once a week.  I know that this is not the norm and I feel the blessing of watching my children parent their own children, up close and real.  I love the times when I get to watch from the sidelines (so to speak) as they deal with some small issue or discipline matter.  Most of all I love to watch them loving on their kids.  Seeing even the older kids climb onto Gwen's lap for a hug or wanting hugs and kisses as she is leaving the house for work can almost bring this grandma to tears.  And there is nothing sweeter than seeing your grown son cuddling with his toddler daughter and watching her run to give him hugs and kisses before he leaves for work.  These are my most cherished "presents" from my children.  And they are not just one day a year.  

For the last several years, I have had a message that I knew needed to be shared with others, through the medium of a book.  Actually, this blog was sort of the beginning of that calling to write in a more formal way.  I have a clear vision of exactly what the book will be, what needs to be included in that book, and the purpose of the book.  I haven't talked much about writing with many people.  I confess that the reason for my silence is mostly fear.  I fear well meaning advice or discouragement.  I fear hearing that it is impossible to accomplish this.  Gwen reminded me today that none of those things matter.  I have a message that I know needs to be shared, and I have a clear direction on how to share it (book form).  Nothing else matters.    I have started this project. and actually have a pretty good framework for the rest of the book.   If I had to sum up the purpose and/or message of this writing in one short sentence it would be........"Your prayers influence your future generations".  

On this mother's day, I am so thankful for my own mother.  I was blessed to have her advice, her love and her laughter for 56 years (she died just short of her 96th birthday).  On my last visit with her, she encouraged me to hold my grandchildren close.  She loved her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren with all of her heart.  And she prayed daily for all of them.  Her biggest fear was not being a "good mother" since her own mother had died when she was only two years old.  Her legacy - her family - are the evidence that she did not need to worry about this. She excelled at loving us all. 
And I am so thankful for my Grandmother, Nora, my mother's mother.  This photo is a blessing, the only photo of my mom with her mother.  Just look at the love on Nora's face for her little girl.  She knew, in this photo, that she was going to die.  She had already been sick before my mother was born.  Yet I am convinced that she prayed for my mom and her sisters.  For me and my siblings and even for my children and grandchildren.  

God had such an amazing plan for families.  He knew that each family tree would create branches and those branches would hold fruit filled with seeds to grow more family trees. Ken and I spent most of last weekend outside, soaking up the spring weather.  As we took a drive through an nearby Arboretum, I was thinking about God's plan for families revealed in nature.  There were so many little seedling trees scattered under the branches of the towering oaks, pines and birches.  And there were also the remains of the dead and dying trees, right along side of those new young ones.  It was so comforting and peaceful.  It was the affirmation that God's plan will not be stopped.  No matter what the circumstances, no matter what disaster befalls a family, not death or separation,  not rain storm or winter blizzard.  God's plan, his destiny would be seen.  His promises are true and He is faithful to complete his work.  

So there you have my thoughts on Mother's Day.  I receive the best gift I could ever get just being with my children, their spouses and their children.  And I know that my grandmother and my mother have had a direct influence on my life today.  So this "Hallmark Holiday" Sunday may pass by without any celebration at all in my house, but Monday I will be at Gwen's house and Tuesday I will be at Doug's house.  So my calendar is filled with lots of "Mothers Day" and "Grandma Day" and that is all I need!   

No matter what circumstance you are in, far from loved ones or as just beside you, no matter if your mother is no longer here, take a moment and appreciate God's great plan for you.  There is a purpose and a plan for your life that included your mother.  Make this Mother's Day about you and Jesus.  Thank Him for his great plan for your life that included your mother!  

Jesus, thank you for the love and care of a mother.  Holy Spirit, help us all to find your plan as we look around us in nature.  Give us eyes to see your love for us.  Thank you for our family tree and for all of that "great cloud of witnesses" that surrounds you.  Thank you Jesus for grafting us into your family!  Amen  

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