Thursday, January 14, 2021

So far 2021 is not much different than 2020!

 Anyone who was hoping that 2021 would be a change from 2020, must be really disappointed.  Here we are a couple of weeks into the new year.  So far, not much is very different.  We are still in a pretty tight lock-down.  All of the resturaunts are closed for indoor dining.  Masks are required to go inside anywhere.  Stores have limited occupancy and you are counted as you go in and out.  Some of the kids are back in school but most are still doing distance learning.  It sure doesn't feel very "normal".  The only thing that has been sort of normal for me, is that I got to watch Ellie, Zeke and Anna last weekend when Gwen, Tim and Lia had a retreat for some student leaders.  The kids love coming to my house and having "sleepovers" and it was a really fun time.  

The kids had a fun time playing cards.  I played many, many games of war with them.  We watched a couple of movies and they got to go sledding on my "baby" hill.  It was especially fun to watch them play, since it brought back so many memories for me of Gwen and Doug doing the exact same thing.  Zeke decided that he was going to try to stand on the sled and "snowboard" down the hill.  After a few falls, he actually got quite good at it.  It was a much needed change of pace for me.  I'm not lying when I tell you I am pretty tired of the four walls inside my house.  I can not recall any other time when I have done so little for such a long time.  All of the kids made me promise that we could have sleepovers again in the near future.  I don't know who looks forward to these times more - the kids or me!

Grace and I stay connected through our video phone calls.  I love that she wants to talk to me and will share all about her day.  I had to include this photo.  Grace knows how to take a screen shot during our calls and takes MANY pictures and sends them to me.  On this day, Grace must have taken at least 10 shots and my eyes were closed in ALL of them!  Now that is real talent!  It doesn't totally take the place of being with her, but it is the best we can do for now.  We are all axiously awaiting the time when we can get the COVID vaccine.  I seems like it will be several weeks or even months before I am able to get mine.  We have about 20 weeks more until Baby Rowley makes his debut and the vaccine needs to happen before then for sure.  

For now, puzzles have been my escape.  I finally finished the one I have been working on for weeks.  It was a real doozy.  It might look easy, but it was one of those puzzles that had pieces that were so close and could be misplaced.  I ended up having to take out about 20 pieces to find the ones that had been put in the wrong place.  So thankful that I was able to finally finish it.  I confess, there were several times I almost just gave up when I had about 40 pieces left.  Glad I perservered.  

Part of my new years plan was to go back to my actual Bible for my daily reading.  I have been using my Bible app on my cell phone almost always.  Until I actually took out my Bible and started using it, I did not know how much I had missed it.  
I think this is the 4th Bible of this type that I have owned.  The date in the front says that I started using it on August 11, 2004.  You can see it is well worn.  I love all of the notes that I have written on the pages.  The first day I took it out I actually spent several hours just looking at all of my notes!  In my reading today I came across these verses...
This is from Isaiah 41 and what I saw was that note I wrote....He holds my hand!  And there it was, verse 13,,,
For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, 
Do not fear, I will help you.

I really needed those words!  This has been a troubling and unsettled time in our nation.  I can't think of a time that I more needed these words of assurance that God is my helper.  And that I don't need to fear.  What a great way begin a new year.  Going back to an old pattern.  Reading the Bible from an actual book that I hold in my hands.  And most importantly, actually reading the Bible.  If you don't have Bible reading as a part of your daily routine, I strongly encourage you to do so.  Even if you just download a Bible App and listen to a few verses a day.  The Word is living and active and you will find that each day, it is exactly what you need.  Considering the times we are in, every one of us needs this.

Jesus, thank you for times of joy and peace as we fellowship together.  Give us all courage to continue to perservere during this pandemic.  Holy Spirit, help us to look to Jesus during those times we are fearful or unsettled.  Remind us to go to your Word for truth and confidence that you reign.  Thank you Jesus for the wonder and love of children.  Amen

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