Friday, January 1, 2021

Out with the old and in with the new.... and in with the old also!


Yesterday I  realized that my Keurig coffee pot had totally lost it.  Everytime after I made one cup of coffee, instead of shutting off and going to warm, it would begin to make a second cup of coffee.  I finally figured this out after finding coffee spills all over my counter.  It is really no surprise that this pot has bitten the dust since it was actually Ken's coffee pot at his work for several years.  I think we bought our original Keurigs in 2014.  We bought two - one for home and one for Ken's work.  After he retired, we stored this pot until our home unit quit working.  I think that was some time in 2018.  And, lets face it, 2020 was extra hard on this coffee pot!  Instead of one or two cups in the morning, I was making coffee ALL DAY!  So, I will be picking up my pot on Sunday morning - curbside, social distance pick up.  Until then, I am making coffee with TWO cups to avoid the counter situation.  I really think that this is a fitting way to end 2020.  Out with the old and in with new!  

Because my family is celebrating Christmas tomorrow (Yes, I know that it is 2021, but I am just thankful to be celebrating!) I have tried to stay in the Christmas spirit.  In my mail yesterday were several Christmas cards and letters.  Some of these were sent over three weeks ago - thanks Chicago area USPS!  I can't help feeling that I got those cards on exactly the right day.  I received a very special card and letter.

To catch you up, when my family moved to St. Paul in 1960, my very first friend was Sue.  She lived kind of kitty corner to us and we were only 6 month apart in age.  However because of the school cut off date, she was a year behind me in school.  We spent so many hours together and her mom was always my "go to" mom if I ever had a problem when my mom was at work.  Because my older siblings were in Junior High, our school hours were different.  When my mom left for work I would always go to Sue's house to wait until it was time for the bus.  I especially loved this because Sue had younger siblings and her mom would "let" me give the baby his bottle!  This was my first real time actually taking care of younger kids.  And I loved it so much.  Her family moved out of our neighborhood when I was in 3rd or 4th grade, but she lived close enough that we had many play dates and sleep overs.  We kept in touch via mail after I moved to the Chicago area.  We both married around the same time and our kids are also very similar ages.  In those busy child rearing years, we mostly communicated in yearly Christmas letters.  Since I was back in the Twin Cities often to see my mom and dad, we would often talk on the phone when I was there.  The last time I actually saw her was in 1987 when she drove to my mom's house to visit when the kids and I were visiting my mom. 
Our Christmas communitcation had kept us current with our jobs, our children and grand children.  In the last couple of years I have not sent out Christmas cards.  And I didn't receive a card from her for the last couple of years either.  I had actually been thinking about writing her letter this year, to share about Ken's death.  And then her card arrived yesterday.  Her husband passed away in January of 2019.  She gave me her phone number and said she would love to catch up.  We spent a wonderful couple of hours on the phone yesterday afternoon.  It is crazy how much we have in common.  If it were not for COVID we would have already been planning a trip to see each other.  What an amazing gift and a wonderful way to end 2020.  It was certainly bringing in the OLD to end the year!

I just can't get over how good Jesus is to bring these small bits of encouragement to us when we most need them.  Sue and I have so much shared childhood history.  It was interesting to hear some of her memories that I sure didn't remember!  More than anything else, I am hearing Jesus tell me that 2021 will be a year for me to connect with the past and to remember and record those memories.  I have known for many years that I have been called to write.  Hence this blog.  I began writing these blogs in 2013.  It hardly seems possible that I have been doing this for 7 years!  So I am going forward into 2021 with expectation for all that might be ahead.  Pretty sure that I can't imagine what 2021 will be like.  Yes, things will be different for me without Ken.  The last three years have been hard with Ken having so many health challenges  And then 2020 has been filled with Covid and everything that brought.   Not lying, I am  ready to have coffee with friends - actually at a cafe.  And I am so ready to be able to be with my small groups, not over zoom.  Mostly I am ready to be with my family and to give hugs and kisses whenever I want!  I want to not have to think about being "safe" when I get in the car.  But also I am more than ready for new adventures.  You can be sure I will be bringing you along for the ride!

Jesus, thank you so much for reconnecting me with old friends.  Help us all to look ahead with the assurance that you have carried us in the past and will continue to carry us into the future.  Holy Spirit, remind us how far we have come and then give us a vision for where you are bringing us in 2021. Fill us with your hope, your peace and your joy as we begin this new year.  Amen

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