Friday, January 22, 2021

When cleaning a closet brings an unexpected surprise....

I have had lots of free time on my hands during this month, thanks to a  quarentine.  Although I tested negative, since I was directly exposed and had some very mild cold like symptoms, I decided  to be safe and stay home.  With all that said, I have been cleaning some boxes out of my scraproom closet.  I found some really intersting items, including my original Barbie doll and clothes.  The best thing I found was a large ziplock bag full of slides that were my dads.  Ken used to have a very expensive slide scanner, but it was beyond me where it was.  I started looking on Amazon and found a slide scanner that works with your smart phone and only cost $20.  It was to good to pass up.  

This gem was one of the first slides I scanned.  I know that I have never seen this before.  This is my mom and dad standing in front of our lake home at Lake Maud and I am guessing it was taken when I was a preschooler.  My dad looks really thin and it is pretty clear that had been sick and that happened around 1956-57.  This is such a great photo!  I love that my mom is holding my dads favoite camera.  

I spent several hours going through the slides.  There were many slides that had people that I could not identify.  There were many slide of places that had no identifiying features. I was in several photos with people that I have no idea who they are.  But then came upon these two photos.  
This picture is one that clearly brings perspective to the large age spacing in my family.  The toddler in the water on the left is my niece Amy.  I am the older girl on the right.  We were sitting in the water at Lake Maud. I have talked about my parents being grandparents as long as I can remember.  This picture pretty much demonstates that.  We never lived close enough to Karen and Roy and their kids for Amy and I to have a close relationship.  Something I always regretted.  
And then I saw this photo.  I think it was taken in 1967 or 1968.  That precious doggy Trixie was my dog for my entire childhood.  I remember my dad bringing home Trixie in a box when I was around 4 years old.  Trixie was a part of my life until after Ken and I got married.  Trixie lived to the ripe old age of 17.  In this picture you can see that Trixie was part Daschund but you can also see that she was part Cocker Spaniel (take a look at her fluffy ears!)  I love watching my grand kids with their dogs and this 
brought back so many good memories. I was 13 in this photo.  

And then I found this family photo which I believe was taken around Christmas of 1968.  Again because these were slides, I don't remember ever seeing them.  I remember that I once tried to find Christmas pictures from each year and I was missing so many years.  This was one of those years. My brother Greg was in college and my brother Jerry was just home for Christmas.  

Finding these slides and finally getting to actually see all of these pictures has really given me a push to continue to scrap and journal my pictures.  I keep thinking about all those photos that I can not identify.  It is so sad that there is really no one that can look at those photos and help me identify the "who",  "where", "when", or "why" of these pictures.  

Just writing those questions brings me to the new Bible Study I began this week and (so far) it has been so good..  This study, called "The Quest" is right up my alley.   The goal of this study is to build intimacy with Jesus and it uses journalling as a key component of each days activities.  The hour long introduction video had so many good points that I spent a long time just looking over my notes.  I especially loved this point...."Quiet time should be the loudest time of the day."  The idea behind this is that we should bring all of our questions to God during our quiet time.  Then we heard five questions that GOD asks of his people in the Bible.  
1.  Where are you?
2.  Who told you that?
3.  What are you seeking?
4.  Why are you afraid?
5.  How much more will the Father care for you?
I am excited to begin this quest, to be on a path of seeking more treasure from the Bible, and a closer walk with Jesus.  This study fits right into my word for 2021.   My word was "The Bible is the Answer."  All of 2020 seemed like a confused, twisted and shaking mess.  For everyone.  No matter where you live (GLOBAL pandemic), no matter what your economic or family status, no matter your age, race, religon, political party (which seemed so overwhelmingly divisive), life as normal seemed to be gone forever.  And my answer to all the "what do I do?" questions I asked Jesus, came through loud and clear.  The Bible is the answer. I can't wait to continue on the Quest, praying for some answers to calm the confusion, some peace and calm to quell the shaking, and some wisdom to move ahead in 2021.  

If an in depth Bible Study is not for you, I encourage you to find a way to add even a five minute quiet time to every day.  There are so many resources for quick and easy devotions.  Even just take a Bible and randomly open and read a passage or two. Stop and ask all those questions you have.  Take time to listen for Jesus' answer.    I am convinced that you will be blessed!  

Jesus, thank you for always hearing our questions, even when we don't loudly ask them during our quiet times.  Thank you for your leading, Holy Spirit, as we walk through each day.  Remind us to go back to the basics when things seem out of control.  And Jesus, your Word is the basic that we all need.  Thank you for the access we have to the Bible.  Holy Spirit, continue to bring the Bible to all people around the world.  Give courage and boldness to those who are working to translate the Bible into more languages.  Remind us everyday to be thankful for all that you provide.  Amen

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