Saturday, October 26, 2019

A day at the Cosley Zoo...and a perspective shift.

Any time that we get to be all together and do something fun, it is a good day!  Last Saturday was a that kind of a good day.  The weather was really nice - a pleasant fall day.  We were wearing some kind of outer wear, but it was really warm enough to have it unzipped - or in Zeke's case totally off!  That boy is always warm!  We have had this day planned for a really long time - think last Christmas when Gwen and Tim gifted this trip to Grace!  Finding a good day for all of us when there are no birthdays around is really tough.  And we actually planned this for the fall rather than go in the heat of summer.  Grace really loved it and Cosley is exactly the right amount of things for her to see.  She told me this week that her favorite thing was the Llamas.  I was surprised that she remembered seeing them. 
When we were looking at my pictures on my phone, she easily identified this photo!  As a matter of fact, I said "oh look at the donkeys" and she said "Grandma, those are llamas!"  So I guess she remembered them!  

The kids had fun playing in the natural playground area and on the bales of hay that were stacked near the pumpkins for sale.  And, of course, we took the photo on the steps of the caboose!  
This is a must get photo every time we visit Cosley since we have ALWAYS taken a photo here.  This is from a visit to Cosley in 1983!  That is Doug at about 18 months old and Gwen at about 4 1/2!  
They have made some changes to the caboose but it is still in the same exact spot.  The animals have also changed a bit over the years, but it is still pretty much the same as in those early years.  

There is something so wonderful about revisiting these places with the grandchildren and the adult kids.  I never imagined when I took that picture in 1983, that 36 years later I would be standing in that same spot taking a picture of our growing family.  This has certainly been a few weeks of these kind of memories.  First Brookfield Zoo and then Cosley.  So much fun and so many new memories.  

I have seen so many articles about the advantages for children who get to spend time with their grandparents.  This week I read an article about the benefits to the grand parent!  One noted result was a great decline in dementia in people who babysat their grandchildren on a regular basis.  I guess this is certainly something for which I can thank my kids!  I wouldn't trade this time with the  grand kids for anything!  

This week at my small group we were talking about just how HARD everything seems now.  While it is true that looking at social media or watching the news is very depressing, it is important to remember that Jesus reigns!  Spending time just in quiet, reading the Bible, listening to praise music or just resting certainly helps to change your perspective on things.  
 I just love when my devotional matches exactly where I am each day!  This one really hit home.  Even when it seems really hard, in good times or in those not so good times, Jesus is there with us.  Most of all, He is always waiting for us!  I love the first line of the second paragraph.  Which one of us doesn't doubt that God is with us at times.  What a great reminder that even when it might FEEL like Jesus is not with us, HE IS!     

Jesus, thank you  for speaking to us with exactly the words we need at exactly the right time.  Holy Spirit help us all to not get so caught up in our day to day activities that we forget that you are with us.  When times seem especially hard and we are struggling, help us to remember that you are by our side always.  Thank you for good times with family.  And thank you for Llamas!  Amen

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