Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fall is day at the Zoo

Last Thursday Ken and I met Gwen and the kids at the Brookfield Zoo!  It has been a long time since we have visited the zoo and it was a really nice day for us.  Cold but sunny.  Yet another perk of home school is visiting places like this during the week when there are no crowds.  There were a few school groups, but basically it was pretty empty.

The zoo was decorated for Halloween and the kids loved seeing all the various pumpkins - they could have done without the giant spiders, however.  We used the map "walking tour" that basically took you by all of the animals without back tracking.  I skipped the Australia House (bats that are loose and flying around) and I did not go in the bird house room with the flying birds everywhere.  As Lia will tell you, "Grandma has a bird phobia and doesn't like them!"  We saw all the animals that the kids wanted to see.  Most of the animals were outside, even the giraffes.  

 Gwen had promised the kids a special treat of the Dolphin Show.  Anna had no memory of ever seeing this, so it was especially fun watching her experiencing this.   The room was mostly empty and it was so much fun watching the kids during the show.  I managed to capture this dolphin hitting the ball in a jump!
It was fun to listen to the kids sharing facts about all of the animals.  It is pretty clear that they have all been paying attention to their science lessons.  We stopped to have lunch and decided to eat outside.  We were treated to yet another "bird" experience with the  Peacocks and Peahens who were very anxious for us to share our food!  They parked themselves right next to me and the kids found this especially funny since I had told them how much I did not like birds of any kind!  I guess you have to expect this at the zoo!

This was another very thankful day for me.  Just so thankful to be outside in the wonderful fall weather, walking under the canopy of changing color leaves.  The air was crisp and the sun was warm.  So thankful to be able to be with the kids on these adventures.  And I am so thankful for zoos that protect and aid in the survival of so many animals.  It is such a blessing to be able to see animals from all over the world and to know that they are being helped.  

I was remembering how very grateful I was that my mom was able to finally travel and spend time with my kids after my dad died.  On one of her visits to our house, we went to the zoo.  She had never been and it was really exciting for her.  I love this picture of Gwen and Doug with my mom.  She loved tulips especially and I remember her saying how much she liked this picture.  Although she is not looking at the camera, you can just feel the love in this picture!  

Love must be the word of the day for me today.  My daily devotion was about the unfailing love of God for us.   That unfailing love is so needed in today's troubled news and all that bombards us on social media.  I love the Passion Translation of Psalm 23:6

"So why would I fear the future?  For I am being pursued only by your goodness and unfailing love.
Then afterwords - when my life is through, I'll return to your glorious presence to be forever with you!"

So today, I will bask in that unfailing love of God and by so very thankful for the love of my precious family.  If you are feeling a bit down or depressed today, take time to go outside and just breathe in that crisp fall air.  Or look up at the blue sky.  Or see the sun shining.  Or feel the rain on your face.  It really doesn't matter what the weather is like where you are, just be aware of God's unfailing love for you.  Things will look brighter when you let that really sink in to you spirit and soul.  Just take time to bask in His love for you today!

Jesus, thank you for the reminder that your love for us is unfailing.  Keep our minds, our eyes and our hearts turned towards your love.  Holy Spirit, remind us to take time to be with our family when those opportunities arise.  Most of all, nudge us to be out in your creation, soaking in some of your unfailing love.  Thank you Jesus!  Amen

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