Thursday, October 17, 2019

Weekend being Grandma...

This past weekend I spent with these three cuties.  Gwen and Tim and Lia were away for their youth group Fall Retreat.  It is always interesting to have just three of the four kids. Ellie really rises to the role of "leader" and "helper" when Lia is not in the picture.  We actually managed to be up and ready for church with no problem.  We even got there with time to spare!  For these kids, if it is Sunday, then you go to church. 

There was lots of time to play games.  I don't remember exactly how many games of Sorry we played, but it was a lot!  Zeke and I played many, many rounds of Battleship and boy does he have a good ability to find those battleships.  Ellie and Zeke also played Battleship a number of times.  We finished off the weekend with a very long game of Monopoly.  We were still in the middle of the game when Gwen, Tim and Lia got home.  Again, even Anna was playing.  She had a hard time "reading" the dice but figured out that she could just count the dots.  So after that, we were not allowed to help her.  She was quite the Monopoly mogul and managed to purchase the most property.  She even had houses on several of her lots.  

I have mentioned that Gwen home schools the kids. I know that there is a lot of controversy over this decision - public school vs home school.  This weekend highlighted for me one of the very big advantages of home school.  These kids play together ALL THE TIME!  They are used to being together and they just include each other in whatever activity is happening.  Anna is only 5 and really might be considered too young to play these games.  But with help and guidance from her siblings, she did just fine.   I see how very different Lia, Ellie, Zeke and Anna view their friends.  There doesn't seem to be any division according to what grade someone is in or how old they are.  All of the ages of kids play together.  It reminds me of the old "one room school house" approach.  Even at their Home School Co-Op the kids are very loosely grouped - mostly by an age range.  Often the kids don't even really know what "grade" their friends are in!  It makes for a wonderful and fun time doing activities with all of the kids together.  

The retreat that Gwen, Tim and Lia went on had a focus on family legacy.  This is a subject that is near and dear to my heart.  During this weekend I found myself watching and listening to Ellie, Zeke and Anna, thinking about who they are becoming.  I love that Jesus has given me a prophetic picture of each of them even before they were born.  And now I can see glimpses of those characteristics in each of them.  Ellie is such a strong girl.  Diagnosed with Dyslexia and ADHD, she has had to overcome some really big obstacles in her ten years.  But she has really thrived.  I was thinking about the word I had for Ellie....
She is really growing into that Warrior!  It is a bit hard to see, but the words across the bottom say "stands on high places and takes back the land".  She has already climbed many mountains, just to read and be able to learn.  I can see Jesus' plan to use this in the future.  She is the most loving and caring girl and one of the most creative people I have ever known.  She really has a heart for anyone who has any kind of struggle.  I can't wait to see how her gifts and talents continue to grow in the years ahead.  

Zeke is such an amazing boy.  He is only eight but sometimes you can almost see the wheels turning in his head as he tries to figure out how something works. He is very good at math and seems to be able to do his math problems "in his head".   Looking at the words that are on this frame, I can already see coming forth in Zeke.  He is so kind and loving.  And more than once I have been surprised by the very insightful things that he has said.  He loves to sing and just this weekend it filled me with joy to hear him singing along with a Christian song on the radio in my car.  He certainly has the makings of a priest of the Lord.

 And then there is Anna.  She is such an interesting mix of both Gwen and Tim and I can also see bits and pieces of each of her siblings.  One thing is for sure, she is her own special person.  Because she is the youngest she is often left on her own.  And this doesn't bother Anna at all.  She plays by herself for hours.  She is wise well beyond her five years.  She has long, long stories to tell and often sings as she plays.  There is nothing better than listening to her chatting with her dolls and then singing a song to them.  I noticed this weekend how much she reminds me of my mom.  She was born many years after my mom died, but I am certain that Anna has that legacy of great grandma Nona within her.
I can't tell you exactly what it is about Anna that reminds me of mom, but there is just something there. When I look in her eyes there is a depth of understanding that goes way beyond her years.  I can't wait to see exactly how Jesus uses Anna in the kingdom.  

I am so blessed to have these weekend times with the kids to watch them grow and change.  I get to seem them every week, but those days are often filled with normal day-to-day things like school.  So I make sure to really soak up every bit of the time I can when I get to just be grandma.  

Jesus, thank you so much for revelation and words of encouragement for my generations.  Holy Spirit, remind us every day that you are speaking to us and want to speak through us to others.  Quiet our spirits Lord so that we can hear you.  Help us to make time away from the distractions of life to be with you.  Thank you for your legacy of love.  Amen 

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