Saturday, March 7, 2020

Can't believe it is already March...

Thursday we went to Gwen's house to celebrate Ellie's 11th birthday!  I really can't believe this sweet girl is 11 years old.  As you can probably see from this picture, Ken is doing extremely well.  We are, for the most part, back to our usual routines.  I haven't resumed watching Gracie yet since Ken still has multiple doctor appointments that I don't want to miss.  But hopefully within the next few weeks, we will be totally back to normal.  It was a special time today to just be with the kids and also - we got to pick up our Girl Scout Cookies!

We brought Ellie her Birthday presents and I was very happy to see her take the time to look through one of the books I had chosen for her....
I found these on the internet and they are extremely cool.  One is a book that has 26 famous and very successful people who had or have dyslexia.  The second book was 26 famous fashion designers.  Both important issues for Ellie.  Dyslexia has made it so difficult for Ellie to read, but with her hard work and hours of practice she is now a capable reader.  It is great that she can see reminders that this disability will not determine her success in life.  Ellie has certainly already shown that to our family.  I am pretty sure that she sold the most boxes of Girl Scout Cookies in her troop.  If she sets her mind to something, she is unstoppable!  She has the biggest heart and is always looking out for that person in need.  She has come up with a plan to make bags (she has already learned how to sew and owns her own sewing machine) that will be filled and given to families that are helped by Firm Base
(her dad's not for profit). Her recent birthday party included friends from church, dance, co-op, and family friends.  I have seen Ellie as a warrior, praying and caring for people since the day she was born.  It is amazing to watch those exact characteristics blossom and grow.  I can't wait to see exactly how far this young lady goes in the years ahead.  

Friday is also Doug's birthday.  Just as I wonder how it is already March, I am wondering where the last 38 years have gone since Doug was born!  This photo was taken shortly after Doug got home from the hospital at around 3 weeks old.    
I love this picture of Gwen, Ken and Doug.  Grace was at our house yesterday since Doug came over to help fix our washer and help us "cut the cable"!  Yes, we finally made the move away from cable TV after almost 40 years.  The kids have been telling us we should do this, but it was always on the bottom of the have to do list.  While Doug and Ken were busy with washer repair duty, Grace and I were looking through my files of photos of Gwen and Doug when they were little.  Every picture of Gwen that came out of the box, Grace declared that it was Anna!  Guess that is pretty good evidence that Anna looks a lot like Gwen.  

It is good to accomplish tasks that have been hanging around for a long time.  When Ken was recovering from his hospitalization, we talked about all the things that we wanted to get done once he was feeling better.  And we have managed to keep shortening the list.  One of the many follow up medical tests that Ken needed to have, was a CT scan of his liver.   That test was to determine if there was a liver abscess or if there was a potential cancerous tumor on his liver.  We are so thankful that the CT scan showed that the spot on his liver had shrunk considerably which proves it is a liver abscess.  While there are still further tests that need to be done and weeks more of antibiotics, both Ken and I could breathe a little easier after that good news.  We still need continued prayers for Ken's immune system to recover after the septic shock.  His blood counts are low which is concerning but expected.  So prayers for all blood numbers to increase would be appreciated.

I feel like I have had sort of an extended "lent" this year.  Most years during Lent, I make very intentional decisions to do a specific devotional, or fast from something specific.  Generally I have used the 40 days of lent as a personal time of reflection and prayer.  Because of Ken's illness, it feels like that set aside time started in January for me.  I have found it hard to focus and pray and very difficult to do my Bible studies. Yet for me, it as been a time of such dependence on Jesus every minute of the day and night.  On Ash Wednesday, I was lamenting that I didn't have any "program" planned for lent this year.  I realized that the entire 2020 was a drawing closer to Jesus.  When you are going through a difficult time, you have to rely on the ever presence of Jesus.  As I sat in the waiting room, walked the halls of the hospital, sat in the ICU, talked to doctors and nurses, argued with insurance people, tended to Ken's needs, relayed information to the kids, signed tons of paperwork, made so many decisions, - every day - every hour - every minute, I knew that Jesus was there with me.  And Jesus has been with Ken every second of this "adventure".  More than once I found the words of Psalm 23 going through my head....

"Even though I walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death, 
I will fear no evil, for you are with me."

This time has sure enough been in the valley of the shadow of death.  Being in ICU, death was all around us.  And Ken's condition was that serious.  But I loved that I had the reminder that I was walking THROUGH the valley, and not camped out or living in that valley.  And mostly that Jesus was there with me.  I don't think there is anything more comforting than that.  I am so thankful for the Bible and these verses hidden in my memory for the Holy Spirit to bring to life when I most need them.  I strongly encourage you to choose some scriptures that speak to you, and set them to memory.  You just never know when you will most need them.  Lent is a good time to begin to memorize scripture.  Why not start today?

Jesus, thank you for your promises which are always true.  You are always with us, in good times and in the challenges.  Holy Spirit, thank you for bringing into my thoughts you Scriptures when I most needed them.  Remind us all of your steadfast love and care, even when we seem to have forgotten you.  Thank you Jesus for doctors, hospitals, medicines but also thank you that YOU are the healer.  Amen

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