Sunday, March 21, 2021

Wonderful start to springtime... and God surprises!

Friday was quite a great day!  Gwen and Doug came with the kids and we spent a few hours getting things a bit more organized in the camera room.  When we were all done, there were two large garbage bags of trash, 4 large garbage bags and lots of extra items to go to Goodwill and Doug and Gwen each took home a boxful of stuff.  There is also a very large pile of  treasures that needs to be sorted, organized and priced as we get ready to try to sell some of Ken's photography things.  The best part of the day was watching the kids have so much fun together.  Gwen found a paper bag with some gemstones that Ken had used for some photography and we let each of the kids choose a rock of their own.  Zeke got a couple of Ken's old hats, including this Cubs hat he is wearing in this picture!  It feels good to pass on Ken's things to the kids and the grandkids.  

I love the winter season seems to be ending and it also seems that the pandemic season is coming to an end as more people get vaccinated.  I am so thankful that going out to the store doesn't require hours of thought, deciding if it is really necessary to risk being in public.  In the last couple of weeks I have actually gone to many different stores, I met a friend at a restaurant for lunch,  I went to a forest preserve and walked a trail and I got to watch Grace while Doug and Susie actually WENT to work!

Grace and I had so much fun together.  I had really forgotten how much fun it was to just play with her all day.  It was pretty chilly on that day, but we still took a long walk around their neighborhood.  Since the last time I was there, houses have sprung up all around!  There is building going on right by their house and they will soon have new neighbors!  It was so much fun to see the cranes, backhoes, and other equipment and we got to watch some men building a fence.  Grace has grown up so much and I couldn't help but lament a bit about all the time I have missed with her, thanks to "the germs" (as Grace says!)  

I love this new magnetic pattern block set that Grace has.  She constructed this picture and then told me a big story to go with it!  If you are wondering, this is some boats floating on the water.  The yellow are some pirate ships and the orange squares are the rain.  There are red helicopters that are coming to the rescue.  Such a big imagination and so much fun.  I loved that I got to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with Gracie.  Even still, it was hard to leave at the end of the day.  

On Wednesday morning, I was casually scrolling through my emails and almost deleted an email from a name I did not recognize that had attachments.  But then I noticed the subject line said "Gratitude".  This picture was the first attachment!  One of the Operation Christmas Child boxes that I packed in November of 2019 was received by Sebastian, a little boy in Chili!  Because of the pandemic, these boxes were not distributed until just this month. I knew immediately that it was a 2019 box because of the picture I had included, as well as the destination of the box.  His mother was the sender of the email.  She is a single mom who brings Sebastian to a Bible school in her city.  Both of them have had COVID, but thankfully they recovered well.  

All of these things just bring to my mind how amazing God's timing is.  It was exactly the right time for Gwen and Doug to help me with the further clean out.  The weather is looking up and it's time for some spring cleaning.  There is still time for me to focus on being with Grace, before her new brother arrives!  And it was exactly the right time for Sebastian to receive that box.  It might have been over 16 months since it was assembled, but I am convinced that God knows the timing!

Over the last few months, I have been doing much thinking and praying about what is ahead for me. Even though it might seem to me that I have accomplished nothing for the Lord in the last few years, Jesus was sure to show me just how wrong that thought is.  Just by packing these small gifts, children are reached for Jesus, all over the world.  So I have certainly had a shift in my thinking.  Instead of looking at the "big" things that I should be doing, I am going to concentrate on whatever is right in front of me, one day at  a time.   I had several people who contacted me after my last blog, asking if I was really okay.  Apparently my words sounded concerning. But truthfully, I am really doing fine.  Certainly it was hard to navigate losing a spouse during a pandemic.  But there is so much thankfulness in my heart.  I am blessed to have a wonderful home, amazing family and many friends walking with me during this time.  Hopefully, the next months will be even more "open" and I can truly begin making some plans for the future.  

It is all about the small things.  Those days spent with family.  The fun times playing with the kids.  Those small things done, knowing it is up to Jesus to make them count.  It is a season of Hope.  We have been in Lent, the days of preparation for Easter.  I was thinking about one of my all time favorite songs,  Dance With Me by Paul Wilbur.  One line of the song says, "Winter has passed and Springtime has come."  This is a beautiful song about our relationship with Jesus.  Such a perfect song for today.  Take a couple of minutes and listen to this stirring song.  Yes, the winter has passed, so has the darkness, the fear, the sickness.... all because of Jesus.  Be blessed today by the "song of all songs."

Jesus, thank you for all of these amazing things.  For family, for friends, for seasons changing.  Holy Spirit, remind us all that winter has passed and we are moving into a new season.  Jesus, remind us that you are always with us, even when it seems dark and cold.  Give us renewed energy to look ahead and the courage to walk wherever you lead.  Amen

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog and writing Lyn. They are so real and transparent and always brimming with the hope and JOY of the Lord. And even in your time of grieving your great loss of Ken you point us to the hope our Savior brings and the God sightings you see around you. Can just feel your gratitude and thankfulness for the beauty of each day, the love of family. Your connection and close relationship with your grands is so lovely- you pour so much of your time, your patience, your love and your faith into their lives- that will always remain with them. Your gifts to those children overseas are embraced by them and priceless. I too am at the stage of navigating a search for volunteer opportunities now that we are back in IL and Covid is lifting. I'm eager to find that perfect place or places to serve the Lord.
