Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Time sitting on the lap of Jesus.....

Today I spent time with my small group in worship and prayer.  In the quiet and peaceful atmosphere we were all feeling as if we were sitting on the lap of Jesus.  It was such a comforting place and it was so easy to hear the gentle whisper of Jesus reminding us that we are his daughters and He sees us very differently than we see ourselves.  We spent some time talking about "body image" and other ways that our society has changed the way we view our value as women.  It was a good reminder that we are children of the King of Kings.  We prayed not only for ourselves, but for our daughters and granddaughters and future generations.  I was thinking of yesterday, watching Anna playing in the park.
She had Lia's sparkly purse and she was putting it on her shoulder and walking on the path.  She was very intent that the purse had to be just right.  It's hard to imagine that at 16 months old she is already being impacted by watching her sisters.  I am so thankful that Gwen has done a good job of talking to the kids about their bodies being a temple of Jesus.  They are developing a very good sense of their true identity as children of the King.

Yesterday I got this amazing video from my sweet little Lia.  This little nine year old recently was given a cellphone that only enables her to text certain people.  I am one of those fortunate enough to get her texts. I was brought to tears as I watched her read this little book to me.  I had made this book for her when she was very young.  And here she was, now able to read this book, sharing it with me!  I was thinking about the way that we have influence over our children and grandchildren often through things that we don't expect.  When I assembled this little book, I never imagined that she would be reading this as a nine year old.

Yes, I believe that I will be paying more attention to ways that I can have an impact on my grandchildren.  Meanwhile, I will be spending some more time just sitting on the lap of Jesus.
Don't we all need that?  I know that I do.

Jesus, thank you for pulling us closer when we come to you.  What a gift it is to be in your presence and then to be pulled even closer.  Jesus help us to keep our focus on how YOU see us and to remember that we can show the world who you are, through our eyes.  Holy Spirit, keep our mind free of the influence of our society and give us the mind of Christ.  Thank you for our families.  Remind us that we can influence future generations!  Amen

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