Thursday, June 19, 2014

Smile, even when things go wrong.

Today, Lyn, we believe God wants you to know that ...true happiness is a state of mind.
Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen. Do not pursue happiness - practice it. Sing, even if you do not sound good. Smile, even when things go wrong.
Create happiness, and happy you will be.
Yes, this has been quite a month.  Preparing for vacation, vacation, then vacation cut short, Ken's sickness, back to work, and today..........unemployment.  Yep, as of today I need to find another job!  I came home to the "God Wants you to Know" above.  Yes, I think it was a word for me.  I have also included my current favorite picture of Anna (taken on Monday) and also a picture of Lia (also taken on Monday).  I included these since they make me smile!  And I needed to smile today.  How can you not smile when you see those faces? 
So tonight when I opened my devotional, I saw that  the message was "God is our refuge, our Dwelling place, our shield, fortress and our strong tower".  I love that the first paragraph ended with the statement that "God has promised to watch over you and keep you safe".   The Bible text was Psalm 91:1-16.  It then went on to talk about where God dwells.  In the Old Testament God dwelled in a tent in the wilderness and then in the temple.  In the New Testament God's dwelling place took a giant leap forward, when God now dwells not only WITH us but IN us.  And then God is also pictured as OUR dwelling place!  WOW!  Isn't this just amazing?  And on a day like today, it is exactly the message that I needed.   I love when my devotion for the day really SPEAKS to my day.  It's like getting a warm hug when you most need it. 
I am sure that I am not the only one with a laundry list of problems and concerns.  So tonight, I am putting these two nuggets out there.  Smile even when things go wrong and God is our refuge, our dwelling place, our shield, fortress and strong tower.   I'm right there with you. So I think I'll just go immerse myself in Psalm 91 and go to bed with a smile.  Tomorrow is another day. 
Jesus, thank you for providing exactly the right words to get me through the difficult days.  Holy Spirit, thank you for comfort and peace and the ability to smile.  Jesus thank you for who you are. Thank you for your love and your promises.  Amen 

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