Saturday, June 21, 2014

When you get what you need!

Today was a really great day.  I got exactly what I needed after a bunch of tough days.  At lunchtime Ken and I were out running some errands and he suggested that we go to A & W.  Does anything taste as good as that good, frosty mug of the real A & W?  It just gives me a warm feeling, thinking about all the memories I have of that wonderful treat in a glass.  My mom loved A & W.  And there was an A & W near our "Lake".  So many times, a trip to town for groceries or laundry included a stop for a frosty mug.  Yes, this was a great treat for me today, just what I needed. 

Then this afternoon my small group met to bid farewell to one precious couple who are retiring and moving to Florida.  The down side to this is that they are moving without a place to live permanently.  (They are staying with family while they find a home) There is another couple who are currently looking for a new house since their home is sold and they need to be out by August 1.  There are issues with adult children, relatives that have serious illnesses who are near death, another person who is in transition in their living situation, several with job stresses and health issues.  So my "little" problem with my lack of employment seemed, well, SMALL!  But this wonderful, dear group of friends, reminded me that no issue is small when it is yours.  They prayed for and encouraged me.  It was exactly what I needed.  How great is a few hours spent in food, fellowship and prayer!  Just as the group was breaking up, the couple moving to Florida, brought in a box of books to share with the group.  When the box was opened, this book was on the top.
And I knew it was there for me.  Gwen has been reading this book for her small group Bible Study and she has been encouraging me to read this!  As one man said, "Wow, you really want THAT? It is sure not light reading!"  The book is a good 2" thick!  But, it was again exactly what I needed!

Don't you just love when Jesus gives you exactly what you need? I sure do.  Today was an amazing day of seemingly small (and sometimes hefty - the book) surprises.  While we were sharing about our needs and concerns, I got a text from Gwen.  There were tornado warnings in her area and she was asking for prayer.  So we stopped and prayed for protection for their area and their family.  About 15 minutes later, I got a reply text that they were safe and in the clear.  There was a tornado touch down very near them.  Just as we were celebrating that answer to prayer, the storm hit our meeting place.  It was really very strong and lots and lots of rain.  We were not under any tornado warnings, but it was a bad storm.  I texted Gwen to pray for us!  Soon the storm passed and we were also in the clear. Prayers cell phone to cell phone.  Exactly what we needed. 

I just love this picture of how Jesus provides for us, amidst the storms in our life.  He provides friends and family to stand with us in prayer.  He provides the love and support that we all so desperately need that assures us that we are not alone in all that we are going through.  We are reminded that there are many others who are worse off than we are.  And He stands with us in the storms. 

Yes,  tonight I can say with great assurance, I got exactly what I needed!

Jesus, thank you so much for your great love, your protection and your covering.  Thank you for friends that open their home for meetings and shower us with your love.  Holy Spirit, encourage us all to remember who we are in you.  Thank you for giving me exactly what I needed!  Amen

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