Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Realizing the importance of the small things...

Today I brought a couple of things to Gwen's house that I had bought last year on the day after Christmas.  Included in that group was a package of 4 foam planes.  I think I paid $,50 for the package.  Needless to say, these planes were a big hit.  Zeke and I played with his plane the entire morning.  They are surprisingly sturdy (made out of a paper covered foam) that included a propeller that actually spins.  This was a great reminder that you don't need all of those expensive toys to have a whole lot of fun.  As a matter of fact, Gwen's kids are really expert at having great fun with boxes, old papers, a few crayons and markers and lots of imagination.

Yesterday I happened to find my Christmas Cards that I had purchased after Christmas last year, intending to use them this year.  Honestly, it seems like a daunting task to consider doing these cards.  So I confess, as of right now, I am not sure if anyone will be getting a Christmas Card from us this year.  Unfortunately, there are many, many of our family and friends that are not on Facebook and do not read this blog.  So it seems wrong to not send cards.  We will just have to see what the next days bring. Possibly this is one small thing that is NOT that important?

For sure, these last weeks have reminded us over and over what is really important.  I can assure you that we have needed each other more than anything else.  I have always appreciated my family.  We really love each other and have a great time when we are together.  I have learned that the most important thing is just being WITH each other.  There is nothing that we can do or say or express that will make Doug and Susie any better.  For that matter there is also nothing that anyone can do or say or express to me that will make ME feel any better.  But when we are together, just siting in a room, not really saying anything, there is comfort.  It may seem like a small thing, but it is so important.

I am so thankful for the presence of Jesus that seems to come forth at exactly the moment that it is most needed.  I don't know how I would have gone on these weeks without that very real comfort and assurance of Jesus with me.  This past weekend someone asked me how I have gotten through these days.  My answer was, "you just do what you have to do".  But the truth is, without Jesus, I don't know how I would have walked through this.  And without each other, all of our family, it would have been so difficult.  I have felt that covering of the many, many who are praying for me and our family. Every text, message, phone call or card has been so important to me.  You might think that these are just small things, but a text saying that you are praying for me....well, that is a BIG and IMPORTANT thing.  I want to be sure that everyone reading this, understands exactly what I mean.  YOUR PRAYERS REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE.  When you think that all you are doing is praying and that is just a small thing, you are making a huge difference!  And I would pray that you all understand the importance of these small things!

Jesus, thank you for your presence with us and the comfort that you bring.  Holy Spirit thank you for your comfort.  Bless all who have reached out to pray for us and stand with us during this difficult time.  Thank you for the reminder about the importance of little things.  Give us wisdom to know what things are necessary and what things we can let go of during this time.  Amen

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