Tuesday, August 25, 2015

It's all about a tree......again!

Okay, I know that I mentioned that I would be blogging more frequently, but that hasn't happened.  And I know that I gave a teaser PS about a recent dream I had.  And then I haven't blogged.  Sigh.  Life just seems to get in the way these days.  Over the weekend I spent time trying to get my extensive digital photo directory better organized.  And then I started the time consuming task of choosing pictures to print for the the next round of scrapbooking.  I spent hours doing this, yet I only got to March 1, 2014.  So I have a lot more to do.  So that is more of an explanation rather than an excuse for not blogging.  Truthfully I have been letting that dream "sink in" so that I can share exactly what I am supposed to share.  So here goes.... and yes, it includes a tree!

In this dream, I was inside of a house and there was a meeting going on.  I noticed that the front door was open and I went over to shut it.  When I looked out, there was a very large tree, smack in the middle of the view from the front door.  There were people milling all over on the lawn around the tree.  Suddenly there was a storm happening and the winds were blowing and a branch fell from that tree.

Okay...that sets the stage.  There was a lot of detail in the dream, but right now, I want to focus on the final thought from the dream, a word from Jesus.

Sometimes it is necessary to prune a tree.  To trim off the branches that are diseased or twisted and not growing the correct way.  If these would just stay tightly to the trunk, if they would drink from the deep roots, they could recover.  But sometimes satan comes in with an evil blast and exerts force on those branches and they fall.  It is my desire that every family tree would stay strongly rooted and growing in me.  I wish for all to be saved.  But each must choose for themselves.  You must care for your family tree.  Nurture the new young shoots so that they are drinking deeply from the living water in the roots.  Let them flourish under the protection of the older branches.  Show them the best direction to grow towards the sun. But if there are ones that turn the other direction or that bring in unhealthy food or disease, they must be cut off.  For the health of those young ones.  I have seen your heart and know your care for the new life.  Do not despair over those that seem lost.  For I can graft back any who wish to grow toward the son!  Celebrate my protection and my plan.  Bask in the shade of my love and care.  Rest in the security of a house that is serving me.  Guard your doors and do not let any distraction keep you from me. Close your windows to keep the winds of destruction away from those who are vulnerable.  Draw close to me and be at peace.  For I am the living tree of life.  And I love you.  

I think I will just leave this blog with that.  As I said, there is more, but this is quite enough for one day.  Just let it sink in and consider all that is in that.  I love that Jesus spoke to me through this dream, using a tree.  A family tree.  And the tree of life.  The picture on this blog was actually taken yesterday, while I was at the playground with Lia, Ellie, Zeke and Anna.  But all I could see were the trees.  And I was thinking about this word.  I am praying that everyone who reads these words, hears the message for themselves, through the Holy Spirit.  Breathe in and then go and look at a tree!

Jesus, thank you so much for speaking to us all through everyday things.  Thank you for dreams and words that help us understand and wonder and know more of your great love.  Holy Spirit, help us all to rest in the security of that great love.  Thank you for hope and grace.  And thank you for trees!  Amen

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