Sunday, August 9, 2015

Looking back........70 years.

I have been thinking a lot about this blog post for the last few days.  There are just some dates that you can't let pass without a remembrance.  I saw several news reports about 70 years ago and immediately remembered this.  A number of years ago, Ken's dad began talking about his experiences in September of 1945 while he was in the Navy.  He was assigned to the USS Beaver.  I was surprised to hear that he had visited Hiroshima with some of the other crew of his ship, as they did an investigation of the area.  He actually took a number of photos on that day, and he shared them with us.

Here are a couple of the photos from that day.  Notice the person in the bottom photo, just walking along the wall.  This devastation happened on August 6, 1945 when the United States dropped an atomic bomb on that city.  There are hundreds of photos of the bombing on the Internet, but it is a whole different thing when you realize that someone you know was actually in that place and took these pictures, just a few weeks after it happened.    I am sure that none of these men had any idea of the danger they were in, just by being in that highly radioactive place.  When Ken's dad was diagnosed with cancer in 1979, I don't think anyone considered that there might be a connection to this tour of Hiroshima.  Thankfully, Ken's dad's cancer was caught very early (thanks to a random exam by an on call doctor), and he remained cancer free for the rest of his life.   I do remember a later conversation with dad when he talked about the very real possibility that his cancer may have come from his exposure to radiation.  He recounted the early deaths of some of his friends who accompanied him on this trip, most from some type of cancer.  What an experience this must have been for dad.  To see the total destruction and horror in this town, yet knowing that this event helped to bring about the end of the awful war in the Pacific.  

What a picture of how our actions can have devastating consequences in the future, even when we have no idea of the danger.   But this blog is not about living in fear or doubt.  Or worry.  All week, as I have been thinking about this, Jesus has been speaking peace into my spirit.  And more than that, a deep assurance that He reigns over all the events in the world.  Jesus is bigger than any conflict or war.  He is the creator and the sustainer of this planet.  And more than that, He cares about us.  I love this passage from The Passion Translation...
    So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose. For he knew all about us before we were born and he destined us from the beginning to share the likeness of his Son. This means the Son is the firstborn among many who will become just like him. Having determined our destiny ahead of time, he called us to himself and transferred his perfect righteousness to everyone he called. And those who carry his perfect righteousness he co-glorified with his Son! Romans 8:28-30 TPT
It is a picture of that care!    Using "hindsight", I can see how the plan for dad's life included that healing from cancer.  In spite of his actions, or even his "inaction", his life unfolded exactly as Jesus had planned. That passage is enough.  It is a reminder that we don't live our lives constantly worried about the future.  We don't hide our heads in fear of the future or question and doubt every action we take.  When we belong to Jesus, we live in Him.  Each day we stay connected to Jesus.  As we stop and talk and listen to Jesus each day, we are led out into that perfect plan for us.  

I am thankful for these photos that remind me of an important time in my father-in-laws life and also a truly historic event.  More than that, I am grateful for the reminder that no matter what is going on in the world or in my life, Jesus is weaving it all together into the perfect plan!  

Jesus, thank you so much for all that you continue to teach me and reveal to me.  Holy Spirit, thank you for the peace that passes understanding whether it is things of the past or the future or just today that fill my mind.  Jesus help us to relax in the knowledge of your great care and love for us.  Thank you for speaking to us every day.  Amen

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