Thursday, October 16, 2014

Follow the Leader and stay the course!

Zeke got to be the leader this morning, at the bus stop.  Follow the leader is a favorite game in the couple of minutes that we have before the bus comes.  Zeke, like most three year olds, is not very happy when he doesn't get his way.  And his way is usually to be the leader!  The girls are pretty good about working it out with Zeke.  And we are working on taking turns.  Ellie is dressed like it is winter time, in her ladybug hat because today was her first ever "Field Trip".  Her kindergarten class went to the pumpkin farm.  And it was a dark, gloomy kind of cold day.  Yes, it was a very exciting day for her.  Later on in the morning, when Anna was taking a nap, I got to thinking about "Follow the Leader".

Isn't that what we are all supposed to be doing?  Following THE leader - Jesus!  And the good news is that he is playing this game of follow the leader with each of us as individuals.  There is a perfect path for us to walk and all we need to do is be content to follow along.  There have been plenty of times when I wanted to be the leader so I rushed ahead, or even ran the other way.  Boy was that a big mistake.  Yep, there were times that I walked very close to the edge of the cliff.  Or walked smack dab into a mucky, muddy patch.  It would be so much easier to just follow the leader!  

Then there were all of the times that I thought I was letting Jesus lead me, when I was still trying to steer the course.  I am sure that you can relate to this.  I just sort of tried to edge my way next to Jesus.  I was thinking that I really knew exactly what I was supposed to be doing, where I was supposed to be going.  Surely I knew better than anyone else what would make me happy.  Or what would solve my problems.  Yeah, this wasn't a good idea either.  Trying to override the leader never, ever works.  If two people are trying to steer, the only thing that happens is trouble.  

Isn't this really silly?  It is much easier to be a follower.  I don't know why we always resist.  Especially when we know WHO the leader is!  Jesus always knows what is the best for us.  He promises to always show us the way, if we will just listen to him and follow in his footsteps.  I think it is extra hard to keep our eyes on the leader and follow along, when things don't seem to be going so well.  It is during those times that it is so easy to feel our faith waiver.  Which is why it is so good for us to surround ourselves with good friends who can help us stay the course.  These are the people who remind us who Jesus is.  They also help us look back at how far we have come.   And through their testimonies, we are encouraged to walk on, following the leader.

Jesus, thank you for this very clear reminder that I just need to keep my eyes on you.  Holy Spirit, thank you for friends that help us stay on the right path.  Jesus you are so good to us!  You welcome us back, even when we run ahead of you.  When our choices lead us into trouble, you are there to rescue us.  When we struggle with the path we are on, you just keep leading us on.  How amazing!  Thank you for another revelation of your great love.  Amen

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