Friday, April 11, 2014

Celebrating Lia!

Yesterday I ended up in the "Orange" room..... filled with all the "after school" kids.  These are the first through fifth graders who join the pre-K and Kindergarten kids in the afternoons.  YIKES!  There were 31 of them!   Thankfully, it was very warm outside and we were able to go outside to the playground area.   So, there I stood with these kids that I don't know very well.  One boy seemed drawn to me and stood talking a mile a minute (as everyone else was running around playing tag).  We were talking about rock climbing and I told him my adult son has done rock climbing. This little chatterbox boy, stopped, looked up at me and said, "I knew you had adult children cuz you are old - I can tell by your neck"!  Okay, what is the appropriate response to that????  Thank you???  Sorry????   I don't think I actually said anything!  Sigh. 

I can't escape the fact that, yes, I am old.  I am a grandma!  Gwen was telling me that Lia recently had a "light bulb" moment when she realized that her beloved great grandma Nona (my mom), was her mom's GRANDMA!   She had just connected the fact that her mom's grandma had died.  And she began to think about her own grandma (think ME!) and wondering if she would lose me.  Thankfully, Gwen was able to put her fears to rest with a discussion that included the fact that no one knows how long their life will be (and also, thankfully, that I am younger than my mom was when Gwen was 8 years old). 
I certainly love my Lia.   She is so much like Gwen in so many ways, but she is most assuredly her own person.  I love how she is a deep thinker!  There are times when you can almost see the wheels turning in her head.  She has a depth of understanding about faith and Jesus that is amazing.   She just KNOWS that she KNOWS!   And she is not afraid to tell you just what she thinks! She loves to dance and sing and comes alive on a stage.  I can't help but reflect on the strong prophetic word given Lia when she was just born   She is a prophet of the Lord.  She will speak God's word, proclaim the truth and lead the people.  She is a "little bird with a big voice"!    I can't wait to watch as Lia grows to see all that Jesus will do in and through her.   Yes, I am blessed to be a Grandma!  
What a gift it is to be able to see our children and grandchildren not just with "worldly eyes" but with an eternal perspective.  I would encourage you all, to pray and seek revelation of the plan and destiny for your family.   The Holy Spirit will reveal so much if we just stop and ask.  It is amazing how much easier it is pray when you have a picture to pray into! 
Jesus, thank you for children and their forthright honesty.   Thank you especially for Lia and the special relationship that I have with her.   Thank you for Gwen and Tim and their reliance on your wisdom, Jesus, as they parent all of their children. Holy Spirit, continue to work in Lia as she becomes the woman you have planned her to be.  Jesus, speak clearly to all of us who ask for revelation.  Thank you for family, for grandchildren.  And thank you for the warm weather!   Amen

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