Tuesday, April 1, 2014

"Speaking to the Heart"

Over the last couple of months I have been doing a lot of thinking and praying about this book.   I have known Lynn Zuk-Lloyd, the author of this book,  for almost 33years!   I almost couldn't believe it when I started thinking about that.  That is a really long time.  I know it was that long because Gwen was a toddler and Doug was not yet born.   Lynn moved into my neighborhood and stopped by my house for a "craft sale" that another friend and I were having.  That year the "crafts" that I was making were mostly toys.   We had wooden dolls with clothes that attached with Velcro.  We made playmats for cars.  And also felt "books" that had lots of pieces to create various scenes. There was also several small dolls among other things.  It was a short lived "business", but really a lot of fun. Kind of the beginning of my interest in crafts and creating.   

Lynn is an amazing artist and author.   Over the years I have seen and read some of the books and art pieces and cards that she has created.   Lynn and I have had some really deep discussions about Jesus.  It has been such a joy to see how her relationship with Jesus has deepened and grown and enhanced her artwork.   She IS an artist!  I, on the other hand, am much more a "crafter". 

Which brings me to this book.   Lynn asked me to submit some "artwork" that I created for my grandchildren.   These "scrapbook" frames for Lia, Ellie and Zeke were birthed out of some very clear prophetic words that I received for them.  I have never really experienced "seeing" and "knowing" exactly what something is supposed to look like before it is actually completed.   But that is what happened with those frames.  A few days ago I completed the frame for Anna.  It was so satisfying.  I felt the completion of the series.  Soon I will share a picture of the final frame on this blog.

And now these three pieces of art are included in this book alongside some truly amazing artists.   I am humbled and awed at that fact.   I can see the hand of Jesus on this book.   It feels a lot like doing this blog.   Way beyond anything that I could do on my own.  The bigger thing is that there is a purpose that I don't understand fully.   What I do know is that there is a reason and I might not get it, but it is very real.  The book is available on Amazon and you will be blessed by the amazing art and stories contained in this book.  

Jesus, thank you for Lynn and her desire to follow your plan and destiny for her life.  Thank you for all of the artists represented in this book.   Bless them with continued inspiration and creativity.   Holy Spirit, would you get this book into the hands of people who most need to be encouraged by this message?  Thank you for divine connections and friendships.    Amen

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