Thursday, April 3, 2014

Work, reminders, a great photo, and reason to celebrate!

So today at work I had one of those "quick" realizations.  You know, the kind of thing that just pops into your mind at the strangest time?  I was trying to keep a group of 16 little three year olds "entertained" when there was about 40 minutes left until lunch time.   I had read a couple of books, but their interest (and desire) to sit still was simply not there.  On a better weather day (not 35 degrees and raining and windy) we would have been outside letting these kids run off their energy.  But sadly, not today.  So I used the wonderful (life-saving) CD's that Gwen had given to me, of active kid friendly songs.  We "Tapped our Toes", we chugged like "trains", we marched like "We are the dinosaurs", and we went "Fast and Slow".  (Note -  all of these are preschool songs). Then we sat down and did a couple of counting "finger-plays".  And it was just as I realized that there was still a good 15 minutes before lunch time, when I launched into "5 little Ducks".  Then, the realization hit me....... Most of the "good stuff" that I know to keep preschoolers happy is Christian based and therefore can't be used at my current job.  

It's funny how you know something, but then the reality of that fact just hits you in the face?   I would say that about 75% of my preschool music "library" (you know, the music that just pops into your head) is Christian.   I can't sing Jesus Loves Me or Arky Arky, at work!  Yep, this is a different playing field for me.   And it is certainly stretching me and giving me lots of things added to my prayer list every day.  

Which brings me to my actual topic for tonight's blog.  Remembering that I said that I was going to spend the month of April with a spirit of celebration, tonight I am celebrating this amazing picture!

I actually just downloaded the pictures from Ellie's 5th Birthday party (actually held on March 8), and here is the above picture!   I am celebrating this for several reasons.  First, it is a great picture of Ken holding Anna.  Not the most usual thing!  Most of the time I am the one holding the baby.   But on that day, I was busy helping with other things.  And then the fact that it is a picture of Ken and Gwen!  Another not so normal thing.   Usually, once again, it is ME and Gwen with Anna.   This photo is just so worth celebrating.   It is such a natural picture of both Ken and Gwen and Anna is peacefully sleeping.    It just makes me smile and makes my heart happy!  Yep, I love this picture!
Isn't it interesting how Jesus puts us in "out of the box" situations (like my current work), so that we have to rely on the Holy Spirit and not necessarily what comes most naturally for us?   And even though I am NOT using all those Christian, Biblical songs, every time one comes into my mind, I am reminded to shot up those arrow prayers for these children and their families.  I really celebrate those moments when the Holy Spirit reminds me that there is a plan and purpose for my current work situation.  And this picture of Ken and Gwen with Anna reminds me of the importance to catching those moments of celebration.  What a great reminder of the plan and destiny that Jesus has for my family.  
Jesus, thank you for preschool music, for finger plays and your gentle reminders.   Holy Spirit, your plans for us include putting us in sometimes difficult situations.  But you give us the courage, boldness and inspiration that we need to walk through them.   Thank you Jesus for family and the reminder of the bigger picture of your plans and destiny for us.  Thank you for giving me reasons to celebrate every day.  Amen  

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