Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 3 - Another story - held in the palm of His hand, in spite of doubts!

This whole sharing thing has been really interesting for me.  There is no "advanced plan" of what will be shared each day.  I don't even have a list in mind of things to share.  I am practicing a bit of last week's blog and just "waiting in silence" each day and letting the Holy Spirit remind me of a story or testimony to share.  I am trusting that I will have something to share as the month goes on.

So, all that to say.... here is today's story.  The photo above is from 1974 and Ken and I had been married about 6 months.  We had a really good group of friends, a few that were from High School and then some of their friends.  We usually had a "party" of some kind every weekend.  A couple of the guys shared an apartment in a complex just across the street from our apartment. We often ended up at their place.  Yes, we had some really fun times with these people.   We played lots of Charades.  We talked about everything and there was always a lot of laughter.  It wasn't long before religion became a subject of discussion.  At first I just sort of ignored what they were talking about.  I really wasn't all that interested.  We had a church that I loved (where we had been married).  And I felt safe there.  I have to admit that as a 20 year old, I really didn't pay much attention to what they said.  One of the couples, who were very strongly involved in this religion, decided to get married at their "church" - the Bahai Temple in Evanston.  Ken and I attended this very unusual wedding.  Shortly after that wedding, it became really clear that we had become a "project" for these people.  They set out to convince us that Bahai was the only true faith.  We were invited to intense weekend events (which we thought were "parties" but we soon found out that we were the only ones there).  They gave me books to read.  Lots of books.   And for the biggest push, they brought in a new person to talk with us.  He had been raised Jewish, but had "seen the light" and joined the Bahai fellowship.
 And here's the thing, he knew exactly what to say to cause me to doubt.  Isn't that just like that sneaky enemy of ours?  This man spoke about the Jews "missing" the message of Jesus, even though it was right in front of their eyes.  And then he said that the Bahai message was just the more recent revelation that came after Jesus.  And then he challenged me to not respond as the Jews had to Jesus.  I read all the books they gave me.  I confess that I really began to question and doubt.  So I did the only thing that I knew to do.  I called my Pastor!  I am so thankful for this wonderful man, who listened to my doubts, heard my fears and then brought me back to the truth.  He reminded me that nothing needed to be added to the Bible.  Jesus had fulfilled his destiny and completed the task set before him.  And because of that, we had a secure eternal life with the Father in heaven.   When these "friends" discovered that we were not converting, we suddenly stopped hearing about the parties and stopped being invited.  We found some new friends.

It wasn't till years later that I realized just how close to the edge I had really gotten.  And I didn't appreciate how close Jesus was holding me.  I know that Ken and I were held in the palm of His hand during this time of trial.  I am so thankful for the presence of the Holy Spirit within me.  It was that quiet whisper that sent me to someone I could trust - my pastor.   This testimony today is just a reminder that in spite of our wandering and doubting and looking where we should not look, Jesus is holding us in the palm of His hand!  He has a plan and purpose and destiny for us!  There is safety and security in knowing just how close He is to us.  I love how Jesus uses everything in our life to His glory! In the last 15 years, I have been able to reach people going through similar doubts and questioning.  I've been there, so I really understand!   And, I just need to add another plug here.  I am so thankful for the years I spent in Sunday School and church as a young child and teen.  Do not underestimate the value  that children gain by being in church.  Without that strong foundation, I may have been swayed into this false religion.  

Jesus, thank you for the reminder of your love and care.   Holy Spirit, thank you for your direction and whisper that kept me on the right path.  Jesus, thank you also for reminding me that you will use even these times of doubt for your glory.  Thank you for pastors.  Give them wisdom and insight as they deal with people who have doubts and fears.  Give us all sensitivity as we encounter people who may be facing situations like this.  Thank you for holding us in the palm of your hand.  Amen

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